frmSystemConnect Remote Login wwwww DDDDDp DDDDD Form15s txtLinkControl cmdCancel cancel cmdConnect connect txtPassword txtUserId labPassword Password labUserId User ID Form_Load cmdConnect: Enabled cmdCancel_Click txtUserId_Change txtPassword' cmdConnect_Clickd CreateLink txtLinkControl~ LinkType LINK_NOTIFY Connectedn txtReceive txtLinkx optWyse60 Value4 Emulator MakeConnection ConnectState. cmdLogin" NO_APP_RESPONDED StartApp+ txtDDENo SendScriptingDatar DisconnectL cmdCancel txtLinkControl_ChangeU txtLinkControl_LinkNotify TempText= sTempStringX sTestString txtLoginl LinkModej frmSystemConnect iConnecteda NO_LINK Caption Control LinkTopic LinkItem mtermu txtUserId txtPassword_Change< appname; appargs# PasswordCharV BadDatam IstrU txtPassword_KeyDownA KeyCode Shift txtPassword_Click ByeBye MANUAL. renotify NOTIFY ExitForm LINK_MANUAL labUserId_Click labPassword_Click labSystemConnect_Click2 Combo1_Change cmblbHost cmblbHost_Change HostName~ CLine Position cmblbHosts cmblbHosts_Change Label1_Click ListIndex frmApps Label2_Click lblStatusBar lblStatusBar_ClickC dollarcase Visiblep frmmenu( Progra Intran Ensureb correctly valid file< cmdCancel_Click Unlink DDE and exit VB [ABORT] cmdConnect_Click # Connect is used to link the Visual Basic Application to the Terminal Emulator # to allow enhanced scripting of the login procedure. # Attempt to make a DDE link to the Terminal Emulatorn # If Link is OK, close the existing connection and unload VB form Already connected, closing connection [ABORT] # If unsuccessful run new instance of JSBTERME # Ensure $PATH is set correctly and set the command to use a valid ZZT file If StartApp("JSBTERM", "-s" + Chr$(34) & "c:\Program Files\MultiView 2000\jsb.zzt" & Chr$(34)) Then # If JSBTERM starts OK try to make DDE link againi # Link OK # No link - print message and exit Sorry, Cannot Create DDE Link # If TE doesn't run exit Sorry Cannot Run Terminal Emulator CreateLink # Setting ctl.LinkMode makes/unmakes the DDE Link# # Topic is typically application name and application arguments# # MvwDDEStream is the link item instead of the field address # For LinkTopic # Ensure $PATH is set correctly and set the command to use a valid ZZT file ctl.LinkTopic = "JSBTERM|" & Chr$(34) + "c:\Program Files\MultiView 2000\jsb.zzt" & Chr$(34) JSBDDEStream StartApp # Use VB shell command to start terminal emulator# # Return 0 if this fails Couldn't start txtLinkControl_LinkNotify # When terminal emulator notifies VB of DDE data go get it # Prevent notify on DDE link # Get data from remote link - LinkRequest assigns to txtLinkControl.Text # then copy this to a temporary string - sTempString # Procedures to allow a valid login# # These received prompts must be the same for each login for the connections # to be successful.o # Check data stream for login prompt and then send useridf ogin: Establishing connection, please wait # If nothing appears to be happening, uncomment the following line to show # the emulation window and see if any input/activity. o txtLinkControl.LinkExecute "[SHOW(1)]" # Check data stream for password prompt and then send password sword: # Check data stream for terminal type prompt and then send CRd # Check data stream for $ prompt and make TE visible and exit VB application [SHOW(1)] GoTo ExitForm # Procedures to handle problems at login # Check data stream for incorrect login/password, print message and exit VB and TE ncorrect Login or Password Incorrect Run program/script again # Close TE and unlink DDEa [ABORT] # Check data stream for password ageing, print message and exit VB to TE xpired Your password has expired exiting to Terminal Emulator [SHOW(1)] # Exit Options # Reset DDE to Notifye # Unlink DDE and close VBB txtUserId_Change # Accept UserID and enable password field and connect button