2 Windows Meta File 3 Include Placeable Header 15 File 16 RLE Compressed 17 .TMP 18 NUM! 19 N/A! 20 Printing: 21 Draft 22 Page: %d 23 Sheet: %d 26 NAME? 27 Network Connection 28 REF! 29 Preview 30 turbo97.ini 31 NULL! 32 DIV/0! 33 AddOns 34 .. 35 CD-ROM Disc 36 . 37 *.* 38 \ 39 Uncompressed 40 All of the Above 41 FALSE 42 TRUE 43 Inch Floppy Disk 44 true type font 45 &Start 46 &Empty 47 File Control 53 File name: 55 - line %lu of total %lu lines 56 Date: 58 Text 60 or 72 and 73 Compressed 74 &DOS Header 75 &New Header 76 &Entry Table 77 &Segments 78 Total Size 79 Untitled 80 Graphics 81 &Quick View 82 NonResiden&t Names 83 Free Space 84 Resi&dent Names 85 &Imported Names 86 &Resources 87 P&roperties 88 Size 89 Modified 90 Folder 91 Local Disk 92 &Portable Header 93 Data &Directories 94 &Sections 95 RAM Disk 102 Error! 103 &Resources Section 104 No Filter (Hex Display) 105 Files and Folders 106 Shortcut to 107 Rena&me 108 (Disk free space: 109 &Import/Export Data Sections 110 &Remove 111 default 129 Up-to-date 130 Needs updating 131 Orphan 132 %lu samples 133 ; mono/%u bits; %.2f kHz 134 ; stereo/%u bits; %.2f kHz 135 Information 136 Name 137 > %lu colors; %s 138 %lu colors; %s 139 %lu object(s) %s bytes 140 %lu error(s) 141 System Folder 142 Searching contents for %u difference(s). Click Stop to interrupt. 143 All 151 BMP (*.BMP)|*.bmp|DIB (*.DIB)|*.dib|RLE (*.RLE)|*.rle|GIF (*.GIF)|*.gif|JPG (*.JPG)|*.jpg|PCX (*.PCX)|*.pcx|TGA (*.TGA)|*.tga|TIFF (*.TIF)|*.tif|WMF (*.WMF)|*.wmf|EMF (*.EMF)|*.emf| 152 Icon|*.ico| 153 Cursor|*.cur| 154 Animated Cursor|*.ani| 155 Shortcut|*.lnk| 156 Program|*.exe;*.dll;*.drv;*.com| 157 Zip|*.zip| 158 Font|*.ttf;*.fon| 159 System|*.ini;*.cfg;*.inf;*.bat;*.sys| 160 Help|*.hlp| 161 Database|*.dbf| 162 PowerPoint|*.ppt;*.pot| 171 Clipboard|*.clp| 172 Windows Metafile|*.wmf| 173 Enhanced Metafile|*.emf| 174 Computer Graphics Metafile|*.cgm| 175 Encapsulated PostScript|*.eps| 176 WordPerfect Graphics|*.wpg| 181 Video for Windows|*.avi| 182 Animator Pro|*.fli;*.flc| 183 QuickTime for Windows|*.mov| 184 MPEG|*.mpg,*.mpeg,*.mpe| 185 Wave Sound|*.wav| 186 MIDI Sequence|*.mid;*.rmi| 191 Bitmap|*.bmp;*.dib;*.rle| 192 Color Wheel|*.cwd| 193 GIF|*.gif| 194 JPEG|*.jpg;*.jpeg| 195 PhotoCD|*.pcd| 196 PCX|*.pcx| 197 PICT|*.pic| 198 Targa|*.tga| 199 TIFF|*.tif| 211 ASCII Text|*.txt| 212 Ami Pro|*.sam| 213 MS Word|*.doc| 214 WordPerfect|*.wpd;*.wp| 215 Windows Write|*.wri| 216 MS Works|*.wps| 217 Rich Text Format|*.rtf| 218 HyperText Markup Language|*.htm;*.html| 219 PostScript|*.ps| 221 1-2-3/Symphony|*.wk1;*.wk3;*.wk4;*.wr1;*.wrk| 222 Excel|*.xls;*.xlk;*.xlw| 223 Quattro Pro|*.wb1;*.wb2| 224 MS Works|*.wks| 231 General 232 Document 233 Clip Art 234 Image 235 Multimedia 236 Sprdsheet 246 PM Bitmap 247 A;A$; S; BF;Cr$ ; ;C$;PRC ; Kc;Dkr ; ECU; mk; F; DM; Dr;HK$; Ft;Rs ;Rp ;IR ;L. ; ; LF;Rm ;N$;F ;NZ$;Nkr ; ZI; Esc.; Lei; R;S$; Sk;SIT ;R;W; Pts; Skr;SFr ;NT$; Bt;$;OTH ; 248 CCITT Group 3 249 Fax CCITT Group 3 250 Fax CCITT Group 4 251 Packbits 252 NONE 253 SHARED 254 NONSHARED 255 New EXE Header Info 256 Library: %s 257 Module: %s 258 Description: %s 259 Data: %s 260 Windows Version: %u.%u 261 (PMODE ONLY!) 262 Signature: %#04x 263 Linker Version: %#04x 264 Linker Revision: %#04x 265 Entry Table Offset: %#04X 266 Entry Table Length: %#04X 267 Checksum: %#08lX 268 Module Flags: %#04X 269 DGROUP: seg %#04X 270 Heap Size: %#04X 271 Stack Size: %#04X 272 Inital CS:IP: seg %#04X offset %#04x 273 Inital SS:SP: seg %#04X offset %#04x 274 Entries in Segment Table: %#04X 275 Entries in Module Table: %#04X 276 Non-Resident Name Table Size: %#04X 277 Segment Table Offset: %#04X 278 Resource Table Offset: %#04X 279 Resident Name Table Offset: %#04X 280 Module Table Offset: %#04X 281 Imported Name Table Offset: %#04X 282 Non-Resident Name Table Offset: %#08lX 283 Moveable entries: %#04X 284 Alignment Shift Count: %#04X 285 Resource Segments: %#04X 286 Executable Type: %#04X 287 Additional Flags: %#04X 288 Fast Load Offset: %#04X 289 Fast Load Length: %#04X 290 DOS EXE Header Info 291 File Signature: %#04X 292 Bytes on last page: %#04X 293 Pages in file: %#04X 294 Relocation items: %#04X 295 Paragraphs in header: %#04X 296 Extra paragraphs needed: %#04X 297 Extra paragraphs desired: %#04X 298 Initial SP value: %#04X 299 Checksum: %#04X 300 Initial IP Value: %#04X 301 Code displacement: %#04X 302 Relocation table offset: %#04X 303 Overlay Number: %#04X 304 New EXE Offset: %#08lX 305 Entry Table 306 Ordinal Segment# Offset Stack Words Flags 307 %d Placeholder 308 %d-%d Placeholders 309 %d %#04x %#04x %#04x MOVEABLE 310 EXPORTED 311 SHARED_DATA 312 %d %#04x %#04x %#04x FIXED 313 Segment Table 314 Type Sector(<| 506 Fail to extract ASCII text! 507 Can not open font file. Try again!! 508 Error in displaying font! 509 Right click for Quick View. 510 Double click to view Help file. 511 The end of document is reached! 512 The contents of the file list have changed. Do you want to update the list? 513 Can not locate CR/LF! 514 Password-proctected or Hidden! 515 Sound off! 516 Invalid format! 517 Can not drop to itself! 518 Missing filters! 519 No replacement by user request! 520 Can not convert folder! 521 Can not print folder! 522 Canceled 523 Extracted 524 Error 525 OK 526 Operation Successful 527 Nothing to copy! 528 Read 529 Write 530 Select the Interrupt Command before closing! 586 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 587 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 588 Resource file of 589 0123456789 590 for EGA 591 for VGA 592 for 8514 593 for printer 594 for CGA 608 Video 611 Icon [%d] 612 Icon [%s] 613 %dx%d, %d bit color 614 Number of data records: %lu 615 Length of one record: %d 616 Date of last update: %s 617 # Field Name Type Width Dec 618 %d %-10s %c %d %d 619 Data Record %d: