RegView for
Copy the result list to ClipBoard.
Restore Export & Redo Export:
After the Regsitry Compare, now RegView provides "Restore Export" and "Redo Export" which will export the registry change info into a Win95 "*.reg" file so that you can use "import registry files" to restore or redo the regsitry changes without runing "restore and compare" again.
Restore Save & Redo Save:
Since Win95 "*.reg" file's architect lacks of the ability to remove registry key or value. So RegView create a new "*.rrg" and "*.drg" file structure to add this ability. "Restore Save" and "Redo Save" will save "Added, Changed and Deleted" registry info as well. Then you can use "Restore RegView Registry Files" or "Redo RegView Registry Files" (under "File" menu) to restore or redo registry changes including "delete" registry entries as well.
Restore All:
Restore all the changes from the result list.
Restore the selected rows from the result list.
No change and return.
Tip: click any row and RegView will go to that registry key which the highlighted row corresponds to.
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Copyright © Vincent Chiu