Create New Data Link Wizard: Step 3—Specify Authentication Information

Complete this step to specify whether you want to use standard authentication or integrated security when logging on to your data.

Integrated security uses an authentication service that enables you to log on using your Windows NT user name and password. Integrated security eliminates the need for you to supply a user name and password in a separate step.

Step Options

How should the authenticity of the logon ID be verified?

Select whether you want to supply a logon ID and password or use integrated security for authentication.

User Name and Password

Enter the user name and password to use for authentication when a user logs on to the data source.

Authentication Service

Enter the name of the authentication service that your OLE DB provider supports.

To use this feature, your OLE DB Provider must support an authentication service and you must have permissions in the data source to use the authentication service.

Note   The Microsoft OLE DB providers currently do not support authentication services.

See Also

Create New Data Link Wizard: Step 1

Create New Data Link Wizard: Step 2

Create New Data Link Wizard: Step 4