GridLineWidth, GridLineWidthBand, GridLineWidthFixed, GridLineWidthHeader, GridLineWidthIndent, GridLineWidthUnpopulated Properties (MSHFlexGrid)


Returns or sets the width, in pixels, of the lines displayed between cells, bands, headers, indents, or unpopulated areas.

Note   For the MSFlexGrid control, only the GridLineWidth property is available.


object.GridLineWidth [= value]
object.GridLineWidthBand [= value]
object.GridLineWidthFixed [= value]
object.GridLineWidthHeader [= value]
object.GridLineWidthIndent [= value]
object.GridLineWidthUnpopulated [= value]

Syntax for the GridLineWidth, GridLineWidthBand, GridLineWidthFixed, GridLineWidthHeader, GridLineWidthIndent, and GridLineWidthUnpopulated properties has these parts:

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.
value A numeric expression that specifies the preferred width, in pixels, for the current line.