Returns or sets the alignment of pictures in a cell or range of selected cells. This property is not available at design time.
object.CellPictureAlignment [=value]
The CellPictureAlignment property syntax has these parts:
Part | Description |
object | An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list. |
value | An integer or constant that specifies how pictures should be aligned within cells, as described in Settings. |
The settings for value are:
Constant | Value | Description |
flexAlignLeftTop | 0 | The picture is aligned left, top. |
flexAlignLeftCenter | 1 | The picture is aligned left, center. |
flexAlignLeftBottom | 2 | The picture is aligned left, bottom. |
flexAlignCenterTop | 3 | The picture is aligned center, top. |
flexAlignCenterCenter | 4 | The picture is aligned center, center. |
flexAlignCenterBottom | 5 | The picture is aligned center, bottom. |
flexAlignRightTop | 6 | The picture is aligned right, top. |
flexAlignRightCenter | 7 | The picture is aligned right, center. |
flexAlignRightBottom | 8 | The picture is aligned right, bottom. |
Changing this property affects the current cell or the current selection, depending on the setting of the FillStyle property.
The FillStyle property must be set to 1 (Repeat) for CellAlignment to align a range of selected cells within the MSHFlexGrid.