Add Method (Nodes Collection)


Adds a Node object to a Treeview control's Nodes collection.


object.Add(relative, relationship, key, text, image, selectedimage)

The Add method syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object Required. An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.
relative Optional. The index number or key of a pre-existing Node object. The relationship between the new node and this pre-existing node is found in the next argument, relationship.
relationship Optional. Specifies the relative placement of the Node object, as described in Settings.
key Optional. A unique string that can be used to retrieve the Node with the Item method.
text Required. The string that appears in the Node.
image Optional. The index of an image in an associated ImageList control.
selectedimage Optional. The index of an image in an associated ImageList control that is shown when the Node is selected.


The settings for relationship are:

Constant Value Description
tvwFirst 0 First. The Node is placed before all other nodes at the same level of the node named in relative.
tvwLast 1 Last. The Node is placed after all other nodes at the same level of the node named in relative. Any Node added subsequently may be placed after one added as Last.
tvwNext 2 (Default) Next. The Node is placed after the node named in relative.
tvwPrevious 3 Previous. The Node is placed before the node named in relative.
tvwChild 4 Child. The Node becomes a child node of the node named in relative.

Note   If no Node object is named in relative, the new node is placed in the last position of the top node hierarchy.


The Nodes collection is a 1-based collection.

As a Node object is added it is assigned an index number, which is stored in the Node object's Index property. This value of the newest member is the value of the Node collection's Count property.

Because the Add method returns a reference to the newly created Node object, it is most convenient to set properties of the new Node using this reference. The following example adds several Node objects with identical properties:

Dim nodX As Node   ' Declare the object variable.
Dim I as Integer   ' Declare a counter variable.
For I = 1 to 4
   Set nodX = TreeView1.Nodes.Add(,,,"Node " & Cstr(i))
   ' Use the reference to set other properties, such as Enabled.
   nodX.Enabled = True
   ' Set image property to image 3 in an associated ImageList.
   nodX.ExpandedImage = 3
Next I