StatusBar Style Constants
Constant | Value | Description |
sbrNormal | 0 | Normal. StatusBar is divided into panels. |
sbrSimple | 1 | Simple. StatusBar has only one large panel and SimpleText. |
Panel Alignment Constants
Constant | Value | Description |
sbrLeft | 0 | Text to left. |
sbrCenter | 1 | Text centered. |
sbrRight | 2 | Text to right. |
Panel Autosize Constants
Constant | Value | Description |
sbrNoAutoSize | 0 | No Autosizing. |
sbrSpring | 1 | Extra space divided among panels. |
sbrContents | 2 | Fit to contents. |
Panel Bevel Constants
Constant | Value | Description |
sbrNoBevel | 0 | No bevel. |
sbrInset | 1 | Bevel inset. |
sbrRaised | 2 | Bevel raised. |
Panel Style Constants
Constant | Value | Description |
sbrText | 0 | Text and/or bitmap displayed. |
sbrCaps | 1 | Caps Lock status displayed. |
sbrNum | 2 | Number Lock status displayed. |
sbrIns | 3 | Insert key status displayed. |
sbrScrl | 4 | Scroll Lock status displayed. |
sbrTime | 5 | Time displayed in System format. |
sbrDate | 6 | Date displayed in System format. |
sbrKana | 7 | Kana. displays the letters KANA in bold when scroll lock is enabled, and dimmed when disabled. |