Using in-place packaging, you can create a single self-extracting executable installer from a single Java project. In this way, you can avoid having to create a packaging project, which might be more complex than your packaging needs require.
Note In-place packaging is effective only when packaging a single project for a single package. For more information on packaging multiple projects or a project into multiple packages, see the Adding a Project to a Solution.
["Adding a Project to a Solution" is not completely documented in this release. If you want to package a project into more than just a setup package, then you can create an additional package project and set those package settings differently. For example, two packages are generated from the same project- one on the solution level, with a package project of its own (set to a .cab or .zip), and one on the project level, with a setup package.]
To create an in-place setup package
This builds all the classes. If necessary, it also starts the browser and loads an HTML page included in the project.
On the Packaging Tab, do the following:
You can leave them unselected, select them by file extension, or select all files.
When testing, confirm that your package installs all of the files you included in it, such as Java class files, HTML pages, Readme files, .gif files, or others.
Check also to see that your setup package added your application's name to the Add/Remove Programs dialog box, available from the Windows Control Panel. Once you have finished confirming the success of your installation, you can launch the un-installer from the Add/Remove Programs dialog box to remove your application.
You should now have a self-extracting setup package containing the files you specified, and an uninstaller.