The Visual Component Manager Tool Window

See Also Tasks

Visual Component Manager provides a simple user interface to navigate through its contents, as well as a Toolbar to quickly select the most common Visual Component Manager tasks. By default, it presents three panes:

You can hide the explorer and properties panes by clicking the toolbar buttons. The contents pane is always visible.

The Explorer Pane

The explorer pane shows a hierarchical view of the Repository databases currently loaded into Visual Component Manager, along with the folders and sub-folders within each. Clicking on the small plus (+) sign to the left of any repository or folders expands the view to show the folers or sub-folders it contains.

The Contents Pane

The contents pane displays the folders and items contained within the database or folder that is currently selected in the explorer pane. At the lowest level, the items displayed are components that have been published to Visual Component Manager.

The Properties Pane

The properties pane displays a listing of all the properties and values assigned to the folder or item currently selected in the contents pane. At the component level, these properties include the component name, description, search keywords and other identifying information about the component. The properties pane also doubles as a browse pane to display object hierarchies for COM objects when you click Browse Details on the shortcut menu.

For More Information   For more information about Repository databases, folders, and items, see Repositories, Folders, and Items. For more information about the properties Visual Component Manager assigns to the components it manages, see Component Attributes.