Compiler Error J0238

Cannot throw exception 'identifier' from field initializer

The compiler detected that an exception was thrown within a field initializer. This error usually occurs when an exception is throwable from a constructor of a class, and an instance of that class is declared and instantiated as a member of another class. To resolve this problem, have the class object that throws the exception instantiated inside a constructor so it can use a try/catch combination to trap any exceptions from the other class's constructor call.

The following example illustrates this error:

public class Simple{
   public int i;
   public Simple(boolean var1) throws Exception{
      if (var1 = true)
         i = 0;
         throw new Exception();
//This is the incorrect way to instantiate this class
class Simple2{
   Simple smp = new Simple(true);
   /* error: cannot call constructor that throws exception in field

The following code replaces the 'Simple2' class code in the example above to show the correct way to instantiate the 'Simple' class instance:

//This is the correct way to instantiate Simple
class Simple2{
   Simple smp;
   public Simple2(){
         smp = new Simple(true);}
      catch(Exception e){}