You can specify WJVIEW.EXE (WJVIEW) options on the command line or in the development environment. By default, Visual J++ chooses WJVIEW as its application and applet viewer.

You can pass more than the default options to WJVEIW if you are running your program from the command line or from within the development environment.

To pass more than the default options to WJVIEW from within Visual J++:

  1. From the Project menu, select Settings.

  2. From the Launch tab on the Settings dialog box, select the Other executables group box.

  3. Type WJVIEW.EXE in the Other executables groupÆs Program text box.

  4. Type the WJVIEW options for your program into the Other executables groupÆs Arguments text box.

When you run WJVIEW from the command line, enter the options you wish to supply to WJVIEW before the name of your class file on the command line. See WJVIEW Command-Line Options for details about specific options.