Moving or Copying a Definition
Using Class Outline, you can easily move or copy the definition of a method, member variable, or class.
To move or copy a definition
In Class Outline, right-click the name of the item that you want to move or copy.
To move the item, click Cut on the shortcut menu; to copy the item, click Copy.
Right-click the item that indicates where you want to insert the definition:
To insert a method or member variable definition at the end of a class, right-click the name of the class.
To insert a method or member variable definition before another item within a class, right-click the name of that item.
To insert a class definition, right-click the name of another class in the file before which you want to insert the definition.
On the shortcut menu, click Paste.
Note If you use the Text editor to move or copy a definition, the associated item in Class Outline is automatically moved or copied.