The Form Designer includes a Toolbox of default controls. You can add custom tabs to the Toolbox for your convenience. Custom controls can also be added to any of the tabs.
Each Toolbox tab has a default group of controls. These controls may be reorganized for your convenience. Any tab may contain any type of control.
To add objects to the Toolbox
On the Tools menu, click Customize Toolbox.
Paste an item that has been copied to the Clipboard onto the Toolbox.
Drag selected scraps of code or text from the Text editor into the Toolbox and then drag it into other files or windows where you want to use it.
Note Only components that extend wfc.core.Component and have the ShowInToolbox attribute set are displayed. ShowInToolbox is an attribute returned from IClassInfo.getAttributes. The Component class, by default, doesn't return this; the Control class by default, does.
To organize your tools, you can:
Copy a Toolbox item from one tab to another tab by pressing CTRL and dragging the selected item to the new tab.
Move a Toolbox item from one tab to another tab by dragging the selected item to the new tab.
Note If you try to move a nonremovable item, dragging it to a new tab will copy it to the new tab instead of moving it.
You can add and customize Toolbox tabs by:
Selecting Add Tab from the context menu when you right-click the Toolbox to create tabs for customized groupings.
Rearranging items on a tab and rearranging the tabs by dragging them to the location you want.
Clicking on the tab label and typing the new name description text of items or by using the Rename Item context menu item.
To view Toolbox objects as a list
Right-click the Toolbox to display the context menu, and then select List View. This displays the contents of the active tab in the Toolbox in a list format. This list contains the icons and descriptive information associated with the active Toolbox tab.
To view Toolbox objects as icons
Right-click the Toolbox to display the context menu, and then deselect the List View check box. This displays the contents of the active tab in the Toolbox as icons only.
To delete objects from the Toolbox
Select the item to be deleted and press DEL.
To recover a deleted control
Right-click the Toolbox to display the context menu, and then select Customize Toolbox.
On the Customize Toolbox dialog box, click the WFC Controls tab.
On the WFC Controls tab, click the check box for the control you wish to add.