If you are exposing your class as a WFC control, you can use Class Builder to manage the properties defined by your class. Class Builder assists you in adding a new property, adding a property based on an existing definition, modifying a property, and deleting a property.
To display the properties in your class
Start Class Builder and make sure your class is selected by Class Builder. For information on how to do this, see Starting Class Builder.
Click the Properties tab in Class Builder. The WFC Properties list displays the properties that are currently defined by your class.
To add a new property
Click Add. In the Add Property dialog box, enter the information for the property:
Enter the name of the property in the Property Name box.
Select a data type from the Data Type drop-down list or enter your own data type.
Select a category from the Category drop-down list. Categories allow you to group related properties; for example, you can categorize properties in the Properties window. Category names cannot contain any spaces.
To assign a default value to the property, enter a value in the Default Value box. Note that the data type of the default value should match the data type you selected from the Data Type drop-down list.
To provide a description for the property, enter the description text in the Description box. Property descriptions are displayed in the Properties window.
Each property is associated with a member variable to hold the current property value. The Associated Member Variable box displays the suggested name for this member variable. To specify a different name, edit the text in this box.
Click Add.
To add a property based on an existing property
Select a property from the WFC Properties list and click Clone. The Clone Property dialog box displays the information for the selected property, which is the basis for the new property.
Replace the name in the Property Name box with the name of the new property. Modify the remaining selections as needed.
Click Add.
To modify an existing property definition
Select the property from the WFC Properties list and click Modify.
In the Modify Property dialog box, modify the information for the property and click then Modify. (Note that the Associated Member Variable box is disabled.)
To delete a property that you have already declared
Select the property from the WFC Properties list and click Delete.