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Sometimes errors can occur within your code; this type of error is often referred to as a bug. The process of locating and fixing bugs in your application is known as debugging. Minor bugs ù for example, incorrect results in an accumulator ù can be frustrating or inconvenient. More severe bugs can cause an application to stop responding to commands, possibly requiring the user to restart the application, losing any work that hasnÆt been saved.
See Basic Debugging Procedures to learn more about using the integrated debugger with Visual J++ projects. These procedures show you how to set breakpoints, step through code, view run-time values of member variables, and much more. For more information about the general features the integrated debugger shares with other products, see the tables in The Debugging Process. When you are in a debugging session and having problems that are not specifically addressed in a debugging procedure, you may find the help you need in Trouble-Shooting Tips for Debugging an Application.
The online documentation also provides scenarios that have been created to show you how to use the debuggerÆs features with specific types of Visual J++ projects. Details for recreating example projects can be found throughout the procedures in the following scenarios: