Thanks for using this pre-release version of Visual J++.
To compile a basic Windows-based application
The Output Window appears and displays the results of the projectÆs compilation. Build errors are displayed on the Task List not in the Output Window. To view a list of compilation errors and warnings, see Viewing Compilation Errors and Warnings.
To run the application with an application viewer
The Settings dialog box appears the first time you run any project. The name of your applicationÆs class file appears in the When project runs, load text box.
Tip To modify the information in the Settings dialog box after your project runs once, select Settings on the Project menu. Click the Launch tab and enter your changes.
Your application runs in WJVIEW, Visual J++Æs applet and application viewer.
Note The output of this program is two message boxes, one to display the results of the GetProfileString() Windows API; the other displays the results of the GetEnvironmentVariable() API. Usually they will appear, one after the other, in front of the development environment. However, occasionally, they will be minimized on the operating systemÆs task bar.