Launch Tab (Project Properties Dialog Box)


The Launch tab allows you to choose a class file, HTML page, or external program to use when your project is run inside Visual J++.

From the Launch tab you can:



This option contains a list from which you can select your build type. This setting is global to all the tabs in this dialog box.

Your choices are:

Default Section

This option allows you to choose a class file (which is the compiled output of your Visual J++ project source files) or an HTML page to run, as well as the application it will run inside.

Project File to Run List

This list provides the names of the class files and HTML pages that can be run from within Visual J++. You can select a class file that contains a class with a properly defined main method (such as an application project), a class file that contains a class that extends the java.applet.Applet class (such as an Applet project), or an HTML file.


Displays the program that will host the selected file from your project when it is run. This could be JVIEW (for applications and applets), Microsoft Internet Explorer (for HTML files) or WJVIEW (for Java applications displaying windows). This text box cannot be modified.


Lists the arguments that are passed to the program specified in the Program text box. This text box cannot be modified.

Launch as a Console Application

Allows you to determine whether your application will display its output in a standard console window or in the Visual J++ environment. When this option is checked, all output is displayed in a console window. When this option is not checked, the Java program runs in the Visual J++ environment and all output is sent to the Visual J++ Output window. This option is only enabled when a Java class file is selected from the Executing File List. The default value for this option is unchecked.

Other Executable Section

Allows you to run a completely different executable program when your Java program starts.


The path and name of the executable to be started.


The arguments that are passed to the program when it starts.