WFC (Form Designers - Options Dialog Box)


Provides options for configuring the Visual J++ Forms designer.

With the WFC section of the Form options you can:


Show Grid

When selected, the form designer displays a grid. This grid allows you to position and align controls easier. This option is selected by default.

Vertical Spacing

A text box that allows you to define the width, in pixels, between each column in the Form designer grid. Assigning a smaller number assigns a smaller distance between grid columns. This text box is disabled if the Show Grid option is not selected.

Horizontal Spacing

A text box that allows you to define the height, in pixels, between each row in the Form designer grid. Assigning a smaller number assigns a smaller distance between grid rows. This text box is disabled if the Show Grid option is not selected.

Snap To Grid

When selected, controls added to a form or moved on a form are automatically aligned to the rows and columns of the Designer's grid. You can finely govern where controls are placed on a form, after they have been aligned on the grid, by changing the control's positioning properties. This option is not available if the Show Grid option is not selected. This option is selected by default.