Classpath Tab (Project Properties Dialog Box)


The Classpath tab allows you to specify the location of packages required by your project to run within Visual J++. If your source code requires classes located in packages that are not installed on your system or are not part of your project, this list allows you to define the path to the package. Also displayed in this dialog box is a list of packages that are already installed on your system and are available to your project.

In the Classpath tab you can:



This option contains a list from which you can select your build type. This setting is global to all the tabs in this dialog box.

Your choices are:

Default Path

Displays the current project path. Because the project path is the most frequently accessed path, it is automatically displayed as the top item in the project-specific packages list. The project path is not editable in this display.

Project-Specific Classpath List

This list displays the location of packages required by your project to run within Visual J++. You may have classes in various locations throughout your local or network path. With this list, you can see at a glance what search paths exist for your project's required class files. You can also add new search paths to the list. The list is displayed in the search order that the VM and compiler use to find classes; therefore, paths located at the top of the list are found first. If you double click an item in the list, the Extend Classpath dialog box is displayed. This dialog box allows you to modify the path entry.

Merge All Project-Specific Classpaths In Solution

When selected, this option will merge all of the project paths in a solution. Use this option if a project path in your solution is needed by another project.


Displays the Extend Classpath dialog box for adding a new path to the project's class path entries.


Deletes the selected path entry from the list.


Moves the selected path up in the search order.


Moves the selected path down in the search order.

Package Manager Class Store (JPM) List

Displays a list of the packages that have already been installed on your system. Packages listed here are global to all Java programs and can be used from your project without adding them to the Project Specific Packages list. The Installed Packages list is not editable from this display.