InputEvent Members

InputEvent Members

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Name Description
ALT_MASK The alt key modifier constant.
BUTTON1_MASK The mouse button1 modifier constant.
BUTTON2_MASK The mouse button2 modifier constant.
BUTTON3_MASK The mouse button3 modifier constant.
CTRL_MASK The control key modifier constant.
META_MASK The meta key modifier constant.
SHIFT_MASK The shift key modifier constant.

Name Description
consume() Consumes this event so that it will not be processed in the default manner by the source which originated it.
getModifiers() Returns the modifiers flag for this event.
getWhen() Returns the timestamp of when this event occurred.
isAltDown() Returns whether or not the Alt modifier is down on this event.
isConsumed() Returns whether or not this event has been consumed.
isControlDown() Returns whether or not the Control modifier is down on this event.
isMetaDown() Returns whether or not the Meta modifier is down on this event.
isShiftDown() Returns whether or not the Shift modifier is down on this event.