And oft-times in the most forbidding den
Of solitude, with love of science strong,
How patiently the yoke of thought they bear;
How subtly glide its finest threads along!
—William Wordsworth, Monks and Schoolmen,in Ecclesiastical Sonnets (1822)
While most of the discussion in the preceding chapters is concerned only with the behavior of Java code as executed a single statement or expression at a time, that is, by a single thread, each Java Virtual Machine can support many threads of execution at once. These threads independently execute Java code that operates on Java values and objects residing in a shared main memory. Threads may be supported by having many hardware processors, by time-slicing a single hardware processor, or by time-slicing many hardware processors.
Java supports the coding of programs that, though concurrent, still exhibit deterministic behavior, by providing mechanisms for synchronizing the concurrent activity of threads. To synchronize threads, Java uses monitors, which are a high-level mechanism for allowing only one thread at a time to execute a region of code protected by the monitor. The behavior of monitors is explained in terms of locks; there is a lock associated with each object.
The synchronized
statement (§14.17) performs two special actions relevant only to multithreaded operation: (1) after computing a reference to an object but before executing its body, it locks a lock associated with the object, and (2) after execution of the body has completed, either normally or abruptly, it unlocks that same lock. As a convenience, a method may be declared synchronized
; such a method behaves as if its body were contained in a synchronized
The methods wait
(§20.1.6, §20.1.7, §20.1.8), notify
(§20.1.9), and notifyAll
(§20.1.10) of class Object
support an efficient transfer of control from one thread to another. Rather than simply "spinning" (repeatedly locking and unlocking an object to see whether some internal state has changed), which consumes computational effort, a thread can suspend itself using wait
until such time as another thread awakens it using notify
. This is especially appropriate in situations where threads have a producer-consumer relationship (actively cooperating on a common goal) rather than a mutual exclusion relationship (trying to avoid conflicts while sharing a common resource).
As a thread executes code, it carries out a sequence of actions. A thread may use the value of a variable or assign it a new value. (Other actions include arithmetic operations, conditional tests, and method invocations, but these do not involves variables directly.) If two or more concurrent threads act on a shared variable, there is a possibility that the actions on the variable will produce timing-dependent results. This dependence on timing is inherent in concurrent programming, producing one of the few places in Java where the result of executing a program is not determined solely by this specification.
Each thread has a working memory, in which it may keep copies of the values of variables from the main memory that is shared between all threads. To access a shared variable, a thread usually first obtains a lock and flushes its working memory. This guarantees that shared values will be thereafter be loaded from the shared main memory to the threads working memory. When a thread unlocks a lock it guarantees the values it holds in its working memory will be written back to the main memory.
This chapter explains the interaction of threads with the main memory, and thus with each other, in terms of certain low-level actions. There are rules about the order in which these actions may occur. These rules impose constraints on any implementation of Java, and a Java programmer may rely on the rules to predict the possible behaviors of a concurrent Java program. The rules do, however, intentionally give the implementor certain freedoms; the intent is to permit certain standard hardware and software techniques that can greatly improve the speed and efficiency of concurrent code.
Briefly put, these are the important consequences of the rules:
and double
values; see §17.4.)