15.14 Unary Operators

The unary operators include +, -, ++, --, ~, !, and cast operators. Expressions with unary operators group right-to-left, so that -~x means the same as -(~x).

+ UnaryExpression
- UnaryExpression
++ UnaryExpression
-- UnaryExpression
~ UnaryExpression
! UnaryExpression

The following productions from ยง15.15 are repeated here for convenience:

( PrimitiveType ) UnaryExpression
( ReferenceType ) UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus

This portion of the Java grammar contains some tricks to avoid two potential syntactic ambiguities.

The first potential ambiguity would arise in expressions such as (p)+q, which looks, to a C or C++ programmer, as though it could be either be a cast to type p of a unary + operating on q, or a binary addition of two quantities p and q. In C and C++, the parser handles this problem by performing a limited amount of semantic analysis as it parses, so that it knows whether p is the name of a type or the name of a variable.

Java takes a different approach. The result of the + operator must be numeric, and all type names involved in casts on numeric values are known keywords. Thus, if p is a keyword naming a primitive type, then (p)+q can make sense only as a cast of a unary expression. However, if p is not a keyword naming a primitive type, then (p)+q can make sense only as a binary arithmetic operation. Similar remarks apply to the - operator. The grammar shown above splits CastExpression into two cases to make this distinction. The nonterminal UnaryExpression includes all unary operator, but the nonterminal UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus excludes uses of all unary operators that could also be binary operators, which in Java are + and -.

The second potential ambiguity is that the expression (p)++ could, to a C or C++ programmer, appear to be either a postfix increment of a parenthesized expression or the beginning of a cast, for example, in (p)++q. As before, parsers for C and C++ know whether p is the name of a type or the name of a variable. But a parser using only one-token lookahead and no semantic analysis during the parse would not be able to tell, when ++ is the lookahead token, whether (p) should be considered a Primary expression or left alone for later consideration as part of a CastExpression.

In Java, the result of the ++ operator must be numeric, and all type names involved in casts on numeric values are known keywords. Thus, if p is a keyword naming a primitive type, then (p)++ can make sense only as a cast of a prefix increment expression, and there had better be an operand such as q following the ++. However, if p is not a keyword naming a primitive type, then (p)++ can make sense only as a postfix increment of p. Similar remarks apply to the -- operator. The nonterminal UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus therefore also excludes uses of the prefix operators ++ and --.