Debug Toolbar


Contains buttons that are shortcuts to some menu items frequently used in debugging code.

You can:


Toolbar Button Command Description
Start Automatically attaches the debugger and runs the application from the startup form specified in the <Project> Properties dialog box. Changes to Continue if in break mode.
Start Without Debugging Runs the code without invoking the debugger. You can use this button to test if a bug is affected by the debugger or, in some instances, to run your code faster.
Break Temporarily stops execution of all processes in a debugging session. Available only in run mode.
End Stops running the current application in the program. Available in break and run modes.
Restart Terminates a debugging session, rebuilds, and then starts running the application from the beginning again. Available in break and run modes.
Run to Cursor In break mode, resumes execution of your code from the current statement to the selected statement. The Current Line of Execution margin indicator, , appears in the Margin Indicator bar.

In design mode, starts the debugger and executes your code to the cursor location.

Step Into Executes code one statement at a time, following execution into function calls.
Step Over Executes the next line of code but does not follow execution through any function calls.
Step Out Executes the remaining lines of a function in which the current execution point lies.
Insert Breakpoint Adds a breakpoint at the location of the current cursor. Click the button again to delete the breakpoint.
Enable Breakpoint Temporarily turns off the selected breakpoint without disabling it. Click the button again to turn on the breakpoint.
Clear All Breakpoints Clears all of the breakpoints in the project.
Breakpoints Displays the Breakpoints dialog box, where you can add and modify breakpoints.
Immediate Window Displays the Immediate window, where you can evaluate expressions and execute individual commands.
Auto Window Displays the Auto window to view the values of variables currently in the scope of the current line of execution within the current procedure.
Locals Window Displays the Locals window to view the variables and their values for each procedure in the current stack frame.
Watch Window Displays the Watch window to view the values of selected variables or watch expressions.
Threads Window Displays the Threads window to view all of the threads for the current process and information about them.
Call Stack Window Displays the Call Stack window to display a list of all active procedures or stack frames for the current thread of execution. Available only in run mode.
Running Documents Displays the Running Documents window that displays the set of documents that are in the process you are debugging. Available in run mode.
Processes Displays the Attach Process dialog box, where you can attach the debugger to a running process in order to debug it or view a list of all currently attached processes.
Java Exceptions Displays the Java Exceptions dialog box that allows you to choose Java API errors. Available if you have a Java project.