Processes Dialog Box


Used to attach the debugger to a running process in order to debug it. It also lists all currently attached processes.

In the Processes dialog box you can:

Change the size of the column headers by dragging its border to the right to make it larger or to the left to make it smaller. Only available when there is at least one process in the list.



Machine List

Contains a list of all of the machines to which you are connected while in the IDE (integrated development environment). You can choose from the list or type the name of the machine. If you type the name of a machine and press ENTER, a search for the machine occurs, you will connect that machine, and the machine will be added it to the list.

Process, Language, and Debugger List

Displays a list of all processes on the selected machine. If the process is being debugged, the Debugger column indicates the debugger associated with the process and its development language.

Machine Button

Displays the Browse for Computer dialog box, where you select a remote computer that has the process to which you want to attach.

Properties Button

Displays the Debugger Properties dialog box, where you can set options for Just-In-Time debugging and attaching processes for the currently selected machine.

Attach Button

Attaches to the selected process or processes.

Note   You can select multiple processes and attach to them at the same time.

Debugged Processes

Process and Machine List

Displays a list of all processes currently being debugged. The Machine column indicates the name of the machine on which the process is running.


Detaches from the selected process.


Allows you to specify the process on which to break. Once in break mode, all of the processes break.