In order to use an add-in and display it in the Add-In Manager, you must first register it on your machine.
Registering an add-in
Copy the add-in to your machine.
Register the component by running Regsvr32.exe on the add-in.
Note This process registers the class ID (CLSID) and programmatic ID (progID), so that the add-in is CoCreatable.
Open the Add-In Manager from the Tools menu. (If the Add-In Manager is already open, close and open it again.)
If the new add-in is displayed in the Add-In Manager list of add-ins, you have successfully registered the add-in.
If the add-in was not displayed in the Add-In Manager, continue with the following steps:
Invoke Regedit and find the following key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\6.0\Addins.
Create a new subkey (select the Addins node and then New and Key from the Edit menu) using the propID as its name.
Note If you've registered add-ins in Visual Basic before, this name is the same as the one you've entered in the vbaddin.ini file.
Select the new key, right-click the right pane of Regedit, and select New on the context menu. Select String, enter Friendlyname and press RETURN. The new named value is selected; press RETURN again and enter the name of the add-in as you want it displayed in the Add-In Manager. Select New and String again, but this time enter Description. Use the same procedure for the name to enter a description of the add-in. Finally, select String, New, and enter LoadBehavior. Use 0 for this value.
Exit Regedit and open the Add-In Manager to see the name and description of your new add-in.