General Tab (Image Properties Dialog Box)


Allows you to specify the file for an image, along with options for how the image is displayed.


Image Source

Specifies the name, including the full path, of a graphics (.gif, .jpg, or .jpeg) file to insert as the image. To select a name using the URL Picker dialog box, click the button to the right.

Note   If you reference an image file that is not already part of your project, the image will not automatically be added to your project.

Alternate Text

Specifies text that the browser will display if the graphic is not available. In some browsers, such as Internet Explorer, the alternate text is also displayed in a ToolTip when the user holds the mouse pointer over the graphic.


Specifies how the image is aligned with the text around it. Choose from the following options:

Option Alignment
Left Aligns with the left margin.
Right Aligns with the right margin.
Texttop Aligns the top of the image with the tallest text in the current line.
Absmiddle Aligns the middle of the image with the middle of the text in the current line.
Baseline Aligns the bottom of the image with the bottom of the text in the current line.
Absbottom Aligns the bottom of the image with the bottom of the text in the current line.
Bottom Same as Baseline.
Middle Aligns the middle of the image with the baseline of the text in the current line.
Top Aligns the top of the image with the top of the tallest element in the current line.

Note   The Absmiddle, Baseline, Absbottom, and Texttop options are supported only by browsers that implement HTML 4.0.


Specifies the total height of the image. If you do not specify a height, the browser calculates the size of the image as it is being rendered.


Specifies the total width of the image, using the units selected from the list to the right. If you do not specify a width, the browser calculates the size of the image as it is being rendered.

Border size

Specifies the width in pixels of a border around the image. Select zero to display no border.

Horizontal space

Specifies the horizontal space in pixels between the image and the surrounding text.

Vertical space

Specifies the vertical space in pixels between the image and the surrounding text.

Image map

Specifies information about hot spots if the image is being used as an image map (a single image in which different areas can contain different links).

Local hotspot information

Specifies the location and name of a <MAP> block containing the coordinates for each hot area on the image. Enter the URL of the file containing the <MAP> block, a hash mark (#), and the name assigned to the <MAP> block. If the <MAP> block is in the current file, leave out the URL, but include the hash mark and map block name.

Hotspot information on server

Specifies that the map information is processed on the server. When the user clicks the image map, the coordinates of the click are sent to the server along with the URL from the Local Hotspot Information box.