Inserting Scrolling Text in Web Pages

You can add scrolling text to your page using a marquee control, which moves text that you specify across the page in ticker-tape fashion.

To insert scrolling text

  1. In Design view or Source view, select the text that you want to scroll.

    The text does not have to be in a paragraph by itself, but when the marquee is displayed, it will be on its own line in the browser window.

  2. From the HTML menu, choose Marquee.

  3. Select the marquee text, and then in the Properties window, set the following properties to determine how the text scrolls:
Property Setting
behavior SCROLL: scroll onto page, then off
SLIDE: stop when text touches far edge
ALTERNATE: bounce between edges
direction LEFT or RIGHT, indicating where the scroll text should start from
loop How many times to repeat, or -1 to repeat indefinitely
scrollamount Number of pixels that text jumps each scroll increment. The lower this number, the more smoothly the text scrolls, but the more slowly it moves across the page.
scrolldelay Number of milliseconds the marquee waits between scroll increments. The lower this number, the faster the text scrolls.
width Width of the scroll area in pixels or as a percentage of screen width.