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You require a means to establish the conditions necessary to exchange data; that is, a connection. The data source you connect to is specified in a connection string, although the parameters specified in a connection string may differ for each provider and data source.
The main way ADO opens a connection is with the Connection.Open method. Alternatively, you can invoke the shortcut method, Recordset.Open, to both open a connection and issue a command over that connection in one operation. Following is the syntax for each method in Visual Basic:
connection.Open ConnectionString, UserID, Password, OpenOptions
recordset.Open Source, ActiveConnection, CursorType, LockType, Options
It's helpful to compare these two methods to highlight some useful characteristics of ADO method operands in general.
ADO provides several convenient ways to specify an operand. For example, Recordset.Open takes an ActiveConnection operand, which could be the literal string, a variable representing that string, or a Connection object representing an open connection.
Most methods on an object have properties that can provide an argument if a method operand is omitted. In the case of Connection.Open, you could omit the explicit ConnectionString operand and supply the information implicitly by setting the ConnectionString property to "DSN=pubs;uid=sa;pwd=;database=pubs"
Conversely, the uid and pwd keyword operands in a connection string can set the Connection object UserID and Password parameters.
This tutorial invokes the Connection.Open method with an explicit connection string. The data source will be the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) pubs database, which ships as a test database with Microsoft SQL Server. (The actual location of the data sourceùsuch as a local drive or remote serverùis specified when you define the Data Source Name (DSN).)
connection.Open "DSN=pubs;uid=sa;pwd=;database=pubs"
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