Indicates one or more characteristics of an object.
Settings and Return Values
Sets or returns a Long value.
For a Connection object, the Attributes property is read/write, and its value can be the sum of any one or more of these XactAttributeEnum values (default is zero).
Constant | Description |
adXactCommitRetaining | Performs retaining commitsùthat is, calling CommitTrans automatically starts a new transaction. Not all providers support this. |
AdXactAbortRetaining | Performs retaining abortsùthat is, calling RollbackTrans automatically starts a new transaction. Not all providers support this. |
For a Parameter object, the Attributes property is read/write, and its value can be the sum of any one or more of these ParameterAttributesEnum values.
Constant | Description |
adParamSigned | Default. Indicates that the parameter accepts signed values. |
AdParamNullable | Indicates that the parameter accepts Null values. |
AdParamLong | Indicates that the parameter accepts long binary data. |
For a Field object, the Attributes property is read-only, and its value can be the sum of any one or more of these FieldAttributeEnum values.
Constant | Description |
adFldMayDefer | Indicates that the field is deferredùthat is, the field values are not retrieved from the data source with the whole record, but only when you explicitly access them. |
AdFldUpdatable | Indicates that you can write to the field. |
AdFldUnknownUpdatable | Indicates that the provider cannot determine if you can write to the field. |
AdFldFixed | Indicates that the field contains fixed-length data. |
AdFldIsNullable | Indicates that the field accepts Null values. |
AdFldMayBeNull | Indicates that you can read Null values from the field. |
AdFldLong | Indicates that the field is a long binary field. Also indicates that you can use the AppendChunk and GetChunk methods. |
AdFldRowID | Indicates that the field contains a persistent row identifier that cannot be written to and has no meaningful value except to identify the row (such as a record number, unique identifier, and so forth). |
AdFldRowVersion | Indicates that the field contains some kind of time or date stamp used to track updates. |
AdFldCacheDeferred | Indicates that the provider caches field values and that subsequent reads are done from the cache. |
For a Property object, the Attributes property is read-only, and its value can be the sum of any one or more of these PropertyAttributesEnum values:
Constant | Description |
adPropNotSupported | Indicates that the property is not supported by the provider. |
AdPropRequired | Indicates that the user must specify a value for this property before the data source is initialized. |
AdPropOptional | Indicates that the user does not need to specify a value for this property before the data source is initialized. |
AdPropRead | Indicates that the user can read the property. |
AdPropWrite | Indicates that the user can set the property. |
Use the Attributes property to set or return characteristics of Connection objects, Parameter objects, Field objects, or Property objects.
When you set multiple attributes, you can sum the appropriate constants. If you set the property value to a sum including incompatible constants, an error occurs.
Remote Data Service Usage: This property is not available on a client-side Connection object.