The following code shows how to set the ExecuteOptions and FetchOptions properties at design time. If left unset, ExecuteOptions defaults to adcExecSync. This setting indicates that when the ADC.Refresh method is called it will be executed on the current calling threadùthat is, synchronously.
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:BD96C556-65A3-11D0-983A-00C04FC29E33" ID="ADC1">
<PARAM NAME="SQL" VALUE="Select * from Sales">
<PARAM NAME="Connect" VALUE="DSN=pubs;UID=sa;PWD=;">
<PARAM NAME="Server" VALUE="http://MyWebServer">
<PARAM NAME="ExecuteOptions"VALUE="1">
<PARAM NAME="FetchOptions"VALUE="3">
The following example shows how to set the ExecuteOptions and FetchOptions properties at run time in VBScript code. See the Refresh method for a working example of these properties.
<Script Language="VBScript">
Sub ExecuteHow
' Execute next refresh of Recordset asynchronously to the calling thread
ADC1.ExecuteOptions = 1
ADC1.FetchOptions = 3
End Sub