The following table lists the RDS.DataControl object error codes. Both decimal and hexadecimal error code values are shown.
RDS.DataControl error codes | Number | Description |
IDS_UpdatesFailed | 4098 0x800A1002 |
Unable to update database. |
IDS_CantConnect | 4099 0x800A1003 |
Unable to connect to server. |
IDS_CantCreateObject | 4100 0x800A1004 |
Unable to create business object. |
IDS_CantInvokeMethod | 4101 0x800A1005 |
Unable to invoke method on business object. |
IDS_CantFindDataspace | 4102 0x800A1006 |
Dataspace property is not valid. |
IDS_ObjectNotSafe | 4103 0x800A1007 |
Object not safe for scripting and initialization. |
IDS_RowsetNotUpdateable | 4104 0x800A1008 |
Rowset not updatable. |
IDS_BadInlineTablegram | 4105 0x800A1009 |
Bad inline tablegram. |
IDS_InvalidADCClientVersion | 4106 0x800A1010 |
Invalid RDS client version: client is newer than server. |
IDS_AsyncPending | 4107 0x800A1011 |
CanÆt perform operation with an async operation pending. |
IDS_ResetInvalidField | 4108 0x800A1012 |
The column specified in SortColumn or FilterColumn does not exist. |
IDS_RecordsetNotOpen | 4109 0x800A1013 |
The recordset is not in an open state. |
IDS_InvalidParam | 4110 0x800A1014 |
One or more arguments are invalid. |
IDS_UnexpectedError | 4351 0x800A10FF |
Unexpected error. |