Configuring the Web Server to Use TCP/IP Sockets

There are two options for configuring the Web server to use TCP/IP Sockets. What you do depends on whether all SQL Servers are accessed from the Web server, or only a specific SQL Server is accessed from the Web server.

If all SQL Servers are accessed from the Web server, you need to run the SQL Server Client Configuration Utility on the Web server computer. The following steps change the default network library for all SQL Server connections made from this IIS Web server to use the TCP/IP Sockets network library.

To configure the Web server (all SQL Servers)

  1. From the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server 6.5, and then click SQL Client Configuration Utility.

  2. Select the Net Library tab.

  3. In the Default Network box, select TCP/IP Sockets.

  4. Click Done to save changes and exit the utility.

If a specific SQL Server is accessed from a Web server, you need to run the SQL Server Client Configuration Utility on the Web server computer. To change the network library for a specific SQL Server connection, on the Web server computer, configure the SQL Server Client software as follows.

To configure the Web server (a specific SQL Server)

  1. From the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server 6.5, and then click SQL Client Configuration Utility.

  2. Select the Advanced tab.

  3. In the Server box, type the name of the server to connect to using TCP/IP Sockets.

  4. In the DLL Name box, select TCP/IP Sockets.

  5. Click Add/Modify. All data sources pointing to this server will now use TCP/IP Sockets.

  6. Click Done.