Cellset Example

The following code demonstrates how to open a Cellset, print captions of the Members for each position and print the formatted value of the Cell.

Dim cat     As New ADOMD.Catalog
Dim cst     As New ADOMD.Cellset
Dim axs     As ADOMD.Axis
Dim i       As Integer
Dim j       As Integer
cat.ActiveConnection = "Data Source=Bobs Video Store;Provider=msolap;"
cst.Source = "SELECT [Product Category].MEMBERS ON ROWS, _
                     [Store State].MEMBERS ON COLUMNS _
              FROM   [Bobs Video Store] _
              WHERE  ([Quantity])"
Set cst.ActiveConnection = cat.ActiveConnection
For i = 0 To cst.Axes(0).Positions.Count - 1
    Debug.Print cst.Axes(0).Positions(i).Members(0).Caption & " ";
    Set axs = cst.Axes(1)
    For j = 0 To axs.Positions.Count - 1
        Debug.Print "     " & axs.Positions(j).Members(0).Caption & _
          " " & cst(i, j).FormattedValue