Working with Multidimensional Data

The result of a query on multidimensional data is called a Cellset. A Cellset consists of a collection of axes, usually no more than four axes and typically only two or three. Points along an axis are called positions. For an axis consisting of a single dimension, these positions are a subset of the dimension members. If an axis consists of more than one dimension, then each position is a compound entity, which has n parts where n is the number of dimensions oriented along that axis. Each part of the position is a member from one constituent dimension.

For example, if the Geography and Product dimensions from the Sales Data cube are oriented along the x-axis of a Cellset, a position along this axis may contain the members ôUSAö and ôComputers.ö In this example, determining a position along the x-axis requires that members from each dimension are oriented along the axis.

The objects positioned at the intersection of axis coordinates are called cells. Each cell has multiple pieces of information associated with it, including the data itself, a formatted string (the displayable form of cell data), and the cell ordinal value. (Each cell is a unique ordinal value in the Cellset. The ordinal value of the first cell in the Cellset is zero, while the leftmost cell in the second row of a Cellset with eight columns would be eight.)

For example, consider a Sales Data cube that has the following six dimensions:

Consider the following Cellset:

Sales for 1991, All Products

Venkatrao Netz
USA Japan USA Japan
Seattle Boston Seattle Boston
Jan 00 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Qtr1 Feb 01 11 21 31 41 51 61 71
Mar 02 12 22 32 42 52 62 72
Qtr2 03 13 23 33 43 53 63 73
Qtr3 04 14 24 34 44 54 64 74
Oct 05 15 25 35 45 55 65 75
Qtr4 Nov 06 16 26 36 46 56 66 76
Dec 07 17 27 37 47 57 67 77

Note   The cell values in the example can be viewed as ordered pairs of axis position ordinals where the first digit represents the x-axis position and the second digit the y-axis position.

The characteristics of this Cellset are as follows:

The x-axis has two nested dimensions: Salesperson and Geography. From Geography, four members are selected: Seattle, Boston, USA_South, and Japan. Two members are selected from Salesperson: Venkatrao and Netz. This yields a total of eight positions on this axis (8 = 4*2).

Each coordinate is represented as a position with two membersùone from the Salesperson dimension and another from the Geography dimension:

(Venkatrao, Seattle), (Venkatrao, Boston), (Venkatrao, USA_North), (Venkatrao, Japan), (Netz, Seattle), (Netz, Boston), (Netz, USA_North), (Netz, Japan)

The y-axis has only one dimension. It contains the following eight positions:

Jan, Feb, Mar, Qtr2, Qtr3, Oct, Nov, Dec