Customizing OmniHTTPd
    Adjusting Server Properties
    To edit the server properties, run the server, go under the Admin menu and click on Properties. You will see a number of tabbed dialog boxes. Click on the corresponding link to get help on each dialog box.


    Port Number

      This is the port number that the server will use for HTTP. The default is 80.


      These are the timeout values in milliseconds. If you are serving over a slow connection, you may want to increase these values. PPP users should use at least 60000. The CGI script time out is the time a CGI script is allowed to take before being shutdown. A value of 0 means to wait indefinitely.

    Keep Alive

      This option enables persistent HTTP support as outlined in HTTP/1.1. Note that Netscape 2.0x's support for Keep-Alive connections is mildy retarded and will hang frequently on transparent .GIF files for reasons unknown.


    Site Address

      Set this to your site address. If you are running on a machine not connected to the internet, use

    Server Root

      Set this to the root of your documents. This will be the virtual root directory.
      Example: c:\httpd\htdocs

    Default Index

      This is the name of the default file for the server to look for if a directory is specified. This version does not support wild card indexes.
      Example: index.html

    Email Address

      This is the email address that appears on things like error messages and statistics pages.

    Server Priority

      Use this option to tell the server how much CPU priority you want to give it. If you are using a Netscape browser to view your own pages on the same machine, the priority level must be at least High.

    Lookup Site Address (Dynamic)

      This option is only for dynamic IP site addresses. If you have a static IP address, do not use this option. This will cause the server, upon startup, to connect to the bounce site to find its IP address.

    Enable DNS Reverse

      Enable this option if you want the server to perform a DNS lookup for each request. Use this option with care if you are running a busy server. Many PPP users do not have resolvable addresses and may experience delays when accessing your site.

    Send Version Information

      Enabling this option will cause your server version number to be sent with each request. It is on by default. If security is a concern, turning this off will suppress the version number.


    Enable Master Key

      This enables the master write key that allows HTTP PUT and DELETE operations on the server.


    Access Log

      This is the main log and it is compatible with the Extended Common Log format.

    Error Log

      This log keeps track of all errors that occur with the server.

    Trace Log

      This log is for debugging purposes only. You can use this log to track CGI launches.

    Referrer Log

      This log keeps track of referrals that are not from your own site.


      This is a list of all standard document aliases. Standard aliases dominate all other types of directory mapping.


      This is a list of all redirection entries. Rarely used.

    Standard CGI

      Resources in this type of mapping will be launched standard CGI style.

    Windows CGI

      Resources in this type of mapping will be launched Windows CGI style.


      This is the list of types associations that the server uses to determine what Content-Type header to send in the response. Note that there can only be one type for every extension but multiple extensions may exist for each type.



      Auto-indexing generates an index if a directory is specificied and no default file can be found. If security is a concern, you may want to disable this option.

    Table indexing

      Table indexing is easier to read but requires that the user's browser support HTML 3.0


    Process Server Side Include

      If checked, SSI macros are parsed for test/x-server-parsed-html file types. These are .shtml files by default.

    Enable Perl CGI Support

      If checked, standard CGI scripts ending in .pl are launched through a Perl interpreter.

    CGI Debug Mode

      All this does is sets Debug to TRUE in the WinCGI response file options.

    Send WinCGI Password

      If checked, passwords will be sent to WinCGI scripts. Scripts that require authentication (i.e. WebBoard) require this option to be enabled.

    Bounce Site

      This is any arbitrary site for the server to connect to to resolve its IP address.
      Example: IP Address:; Port: 80

    Perl CGI Command Line

      Set this to the full path of a Perl interpreter. An interpreter is not bundled with OmniHTTPd.

    Copyright © 1997, 1998 Omnicron Technologies Corporation