- Industry HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 Compliant
- HTTP/1.1 PUT and HTTP/1.1 DELETE Support
- HTTP/1.1 Persistent Connections
- HTTP/1.1 Chunked Encoding
- HTTP/1.1 Full Address Parsing
- HTTP/1.1 Non-IP Virtual Host Support to conserve IP addresses
- HTTP/1.0 Keep-Alive Support
- Advanced Virtual Server Support
- Simultaneous support for non-IP and IP based virtual servers.
- Each virtual server's configuration is completely independent
- Each virtual server can choose from three different security modes
- Multiple Configuration/Profile Support
- Run multiple servers on a single machine, using different ports.
- Run the server as a Windows 95 service.
- Detailed user and directory rights security
- IP site restrictions
- GUI setup (no browser required!)
- Netscape PUBLISH Support
- Standard CGI/1.1 Support
- External Script Support (including Perl)
- Windows CGI/1.3 Support
- Server Side Includes (SSI) Support
- Caching and Conditional GET to maximize efficiency
- 32-bit and Multithreaded
- Serves up to 512 simultaenous connections (if the protocol stack supports
- Configurable Server Thread Priority
- Unlimited number of aliases allowed
- Detailed Common Log Format is compatible with most statistical packages
such as WebTrendsÖ
- Table auto-indexing (using HTML 3.0)
- On the fly statistics are available through ~stats
Copyright © 1997, 1998 Omnicron Technologies Corporation