OmniHTTPd Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can I use OmniHTTPd over a PPP connection?

Yes, OmniHTTPd contains many features designed specifically for running over a PPP connection. Appendix 1 has more information on this.

Can I use OmniHTTPd on an Intranet?

Yes, OmniHTTPd runs very nicely as an Intranet server. Appendix 2 has more information on this.

Can I use OmniHTTPd on a stand-alone machine?

Yes. Make sure you are running a TCP/IP stack (the one that comes with Win95 is recommended) and access the server through the local loopback address You may have to set up some sort of network adaptor such as a modem or network card before Win95 will let you install the TCP/IP protocol stack.

I keep getting a ResolveLocal() error message. What does it mean and how do I get rid of it?

The message is telling you that OmniHTTPd cannot connect to the bounce site for some reason. If the server works fine after this message, try clearing the Dynamic Lookup checkbox under Server. Otherwise, go into the Advanced panel and put in a valid bounce site. A bounce site can be any internet site that is up most of the time. Try using, port 80.

My scripts don't seem to work. The browser keeps returning "Document contains no data" or prompts me to download. What is going on?

This is usually caused by a script that doesn't return a content-type header. OmniHTTPd does not assign any default content type to these types of scripts. Standard CGI scripts should return a header like this before the actual output data:

Content-Type: text/html

<body>Your output goes here</body>

Notice the blank line after the header. This is required.

Another reason may be that you have setup your script directories under Aliases. Script directories must be setup as script directories only. The server does special processing when it sees a script alias.

My Perl scripts don't work. Help!

First of all, make sure you have a Perl interpreter installed. After that, make sure that the path to it under the Advanced panel is correct. Then make sure your scripts end in .pl and are located in a standard CGI directory (i.e. like cgi-bin, not cgi-win).

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