Path to your server's cgi-bin directory. This is where stats.prg should be and where will be produced.
Default Limit of recent lines to process. In other words, the last (number you enter here) lines will be scanned for info. Leave blank for all lines.
Report stats on IP usage. Report stats on file requests. Report stats on browser usage. Report stats on access by time of day. Debug information always displayed.
Top number of IP's to report stats for:
Top number of files to report stats for:
Top number of browsers to report stats for:
Access log location relative to your root drive. Remember to use /'s and not \'s.
Bar image that will be displayed for the different stats (like how you would access it from the web with or without the in front) The default statsbar.gif was defaultly installed to your htdocs directory:
Name of your server: ">
Maximum width for the image bar (200 or lower recomended):
Height of image bar (this doesn't vary but helps browsers):
Password for online log listing (leave blank to disable):
Default results page background color (leave blank for none):
Default results page background image (leave blank for none):
Default table header background color (leave blank for none):