IBM Host On-Demand v1.0 Readme

Thank you for your interest in IBM Host On-Demand!

The list of topics in the left column has been selected to enable you to start using IBM Host On-Demand as quickly as possible. Topics that require you to have internet access are denoted by . If you do not have internet access, a condensed version of this material is available in the remainder of this document.

About Host On-Demand

IBM Host On-Demand is a Java-based Intranet/web to SNA solution. It provides a high-performance, low-cost solution for Intranet and web users who need occasional access to their central computer applications or databases from any Java-enabled end-user platform. Valuable centralized host information is now available to web-centric end users.

Access is as simple as pointing and clicking on an SNA application hot link from within the user's Java-enabled web browser. No customer programming, additional hardware, or previously installed client emulator is required.

Host On-Demand boasts a number of powerful features and benefits, such as:

Supported clients

Host On-Demand supports any Java-enabled platform with an industry standard Java virtual machine level of at least 1.02. Examples of the platforms supported include Java-enabled Web browsers and Java-enabled network computers.

Our testing has determined that the following web browsers interact best with IBM Host On-Demand:

Operating System Web Browser
Microsoft Windows 95 Netscape Navigator 3.0 (or later), Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 (or later) and Notes Client 4.5
Microsoft Windows NT 3.51 (or later) Netscape Navigator 3.0 (or later), Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 (or later) and Notes Client 4.5
IBM AIX 4.1.4 Netscape Navigator 3.0 (or later)
IBM OS/2 4.0 with latest JDK Netscape Navigator for OS/2 2.02 and appletviewer

Supported Web servers

Host On-Demand is installed on a server and requires a web server; Host On-Demand does not include a web server function. Any web server capable of serving Java applets can be used in support of Host On-Demand.

Host On-Demand testing has focussed on web servers from these companies:

Supported Communications servers

Host On-Demand requires an IBM Communications Server to be installed on the same logical server as the web server. These IBM Communications Servers are supported by IBM Host On-Demand:


After download is completed, install Host On-Demand on the server according to these platform-specific instructions:

IBM AIX server
  1. If Host On-Demand is already installed on the server, enter the following:
    installp -ug host_on_demand
  2. The Host On-Demand code is packaged as an image file. Copy the image file into a temporary installation directory.
  3. From this directory, enter the following:
    installp -acgNqv -d . -V2 all
  4. Ensure that the installed Host On-Demand product directories and files are accessible to your web server.
IBM OS/2 server
  1. The Host On-Demand code is packaged as a self-extracting ZIP file. Copy the self-extracting ZIP file to a directory that is accessible to your web server.
  2. From this directory, enter the following 2 commands from an OS/2 command prompt:
Microsoft Windows/NT server
  1. The Host On-Demand code is packaged as a self-extracting ZIP file. Copy the self-extracting ZIP file to a directory that is accessible to your web server.
  2. From this directory, enter the following from a Windows command prompt:
  3. The Host On-Demand code is also packaged with the IBM Communications Server for NT. From the CD installer, click on the Host On-Demand icon to install.
Novell NetWare server
  1. The Host On-Demand code is packaged as a self-extracting ZIP file. Copy the self-extracting ZIP file into a temporary installation directory.
  2. From this directory, enter the following from a DOS prompt:
  3. From the NetWare console:
    1. Load the install NLM by enterring:
    2. Select Product options from the menu.
    3. Select Install a product not listed.
    4. Press F3, and enter the path of your temporary installation directory (be sure you remove the a:\ before enterring the new path).
    5. Follow the installation instructions. Restart your NetWare server after installation is complete.
  4. Ensure that the installed Host On-Demand product directories and files are accessible to your web server.

Getting started

System administrators or web masters can establish a hyper-link to he3270en.htm and immediately begin using Host On-Demand through this link.

However, administrators may elect to customize the appearance and invocation mechanisms of IBM Host On-Demand by modifying the <param> tags in he3270en.htm. A variety of appearances may be presented to end users by customizing the he3270en.htm page. The following values can be customized.

Refer to the comments in he3270en.htm and the sample*.htm sample files for additional details concerning invocation customization.

Administrators may also elect to customize the IBM Host On-Demand administrator pages headmnen.htm and headm1en.htm contained in the \en directory. These pages may be customized to provide pointers for your end users to your company or organization help desk or technical support personnel.

If you anticipate Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 users accessing IBM Host On-Demand, you may want to consider signing the Host On-Demand cabinet file ( with your company or organization's credentials. The Host On-Demand cabinet file has space reserved for your signature. Please refer to the Microsoft web site for details concerning signing the Host On-Demand cabinet file.

Usage notes for Host On-Demand end users

Netscape Navigator 2.0-related

Microsoft Internet Explorer-related

IBM OS/2 client environment-related

