
Creating your own URL link

This is one of the two sample HTML files shipped with the plug-in which was installed to your local drive. In addition, there are the corresponding Micrografx Designer™ DSF files which were installed to your local drive.

Note: Print this page.

Before you read any further, print this page so you have a hard copy to refer to when working with the samples.

  1. Close your browser and open TABDEMO.DSF in Designer.
  2. Choose the Text tool and highlight Your Link Here.
  3. Enter your own text. For example, type Bob's Home Page.
  4. Press Esc and realign the text.
  5. On the Object Menu, choose Properties. The Object Properties dialog box opens.
  6. Click the QuickSilver Events tab.
  7. Click OnMouseDown in the Event list.
  8. Click the Action box and type Jump and the URL to your home page. For example, type Jump
  9. Click OnMouseEnter in the Event list. You are going to add two commands for this event property.
  10. First, click Clear to remove the existing command. Then type StatusLine Jump to Bob's page;CursorShape Link. When a mouse pointer points to this link, the cursor will change to a hand, and the browser's status line will display this text.
  11. Click Close and then save this file.
  12. Open the file TABDEMO.HTM in your browser. The changes you made in the Designer file should show on screen.

For more information on scripting properties and values, see "Developing Web Content with Micrografx QuickSilver."

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"Learning with Samples," online version. © 1997 by Micrografx, Inc.