:Base webpaint.hlp>main :Title Corel WEB.PhotoPaint Help :Link Ihance.hlp ; intellihance filter :Link Kpt3help.hlp ; four new Kai plug-ins :Link kptwin20.hlp 1 Getting started 2 Overview: Getting started=Getting started 2 Setting up a new image 3 Overview: Setting up a new image=Setting up a new image 3 Starting from scratch=Starting from scratch>proc4 2 Opening existing files 3 Overview: Opening existing files=Opening existing files 3 Opening an image=Opening an image>proc4 2 Scanning images 3 Overview: Scanning images=Scanning images 3 Selecting a source=Selecting a source>proc4 3 Scanning an image=Scanning an image>proc4 3 Rotating images=Rotating images>proc4 3 Adjusting color depth=Adjusting color depth>proc4 3 Adjusting resolution=Adjusting resolution>proc4 2 Saving and closing 3 Overview: Saving and closing=Saving and closing 3 Saving an image=Saving an image>proc4 3 Closing down=Closing down>proc4 2 Viewing your image 3 Overview: Viewing your image=Viewing your image page 1 of 2 3 Viewing your image as large as possible=Viewing your image as large as possible>proc4 3 Making the most of your monitor=Making the most of your monitor>proc4 3 Zooming in and out of your image=Zooming in and out of your image>proc4 3 Viewing and navigating through animations=Viewing and navigating through animations>proc4 3 Using rulers=Using rulers>proc4 3 Using grids=Using grids>proc4 3 Using guidelines=Using guidelines>proc4 2 Viewing system, application, and image information 3 Overview: Viewing system, application, and image information=Viewing system application and image information 3 Viewing system information=Viewing system information>proc4 3 Viewing program information=Viewing program information>proc4 3 Viewing image information=Viewing image information>proc4 2 Using the Scrapbook 3 Overview: Using the Scrapbook=Using the Scrapbook 3 Browsing your files and folders using the Scrapbook=Browsing your files and folders using the Scrapbook>proc4 3 Using the Objects and Photos tabs of the Scrapbook=Using the Objects and Photos tabs of the Scrapbook>proc4 3 Adding and removing tabs=Adding and removing tabs>proc4 2 Safety nets 3 Overview: Safety nets=Safety nets 3 Undoing changes=Undoing changes>proc4 3 Redoing changes=Redoing changes>proc4 3 Setting and using a checkpoint=Setting and using a checkpoint>proc4 2 Organizing and retrieving files 3 Overview: Organizing and retrieving files=Organizing and retrieving files 3 Adding notes, annotations, thumbnails, and keywords=Adding notes annotations thumbnails and keywords>proc4 3 Retrieving files by file type=Retrieving files by file type>proc4 1 Retouching and refining your image 2 Overview: Retouching and refining your image=Retouching and refining your image 2 Changing image dimensions and resolution 3 Overview: Changing image dimensions and resolution=Changing image dimensions and resolution 3 Cropping an image=Cropping an image>proc4 3 Changing an image's dimensions=Changing an images dimensions>proc4 3 Changing the paper size=Changing the paper size>proc4 3 Changing an image's resolution=Changing an images resolution>proc4 2 Adding, deleting, and rearranging animation frames 3 Overview: Adding, deleting, and rearranging animation frames=Adding deleting and rearranging animation frames 3 Adding and deleting animation frames=Adding and deleting animation frames>proc4 3 Changing the order of animation frames=Changing the order of animation frames>proc4 2 Changing the orientation of an image 3 Overview: Changing the orientation of an image=Changing the orientation of an image 3 Flipping an image=Flipping an image>proc4 3 Rotating an image=Rotating an image>proc4 3 Straightening a crooked image=Straightening a crooked image>proc4 2 Image restoration 3 Overview: Image restoration=Image restoration 3 Restoring damaged areas=Restoring damaged areas>proc4 2 Adjusting the focus and grain of your image 3 Overview: Adjusting the focus and grain of your image=Adjusting the focus and grain of your image 3 Softening the focus=Softening the focus>proc4 3 Working with the Motion Blur filter=Working with the Motion Blur filter>proc4 3 Sharpening the focus=Sharpening the focus>proc4 3 Adjusting graininess in your image=Adjusting graininess in your image>proc4 2 Tonal corrections 3 Overview: Tonal corrections=Tonal corrections 3 Adjusting the brightness, contrast, and intensity=Adjusting the brightness contrast and intensity>proc4 3 Adjusting midtones=Adjusting midtones>proc4 1 Painting, filling, and editing 2 Overview: Painting, filling, and editing tools=Painting filling and editing tools 2 Working with brushes and paint modes 3 Overview: The basics of brush tools=The basics of brush tools page 1 of 2 3 Selecting or customizing brush nibs=Selecting or customizing brush nibs>proc4 3 Customizing and saving brushes=Customizing and saving brushes>proc4 3 Working with the Nibs Roll-Up=Working with the Nibs RollUp>proc4 2 Unleashing the artist 3 Overview: Unleashing the artist=Unleashing the artist 3 Selecting a paint color=Selecting a paint color>proc4 3 Painting and drawing=Painting and drawing>proc4 3 Using the Clone tool=Using the Clone tool>proc4 3 Using the Shape and Line tools=Using the Shape and Line tools>proc4 2 Using the fill tools 3 Overview: Using the fill tools=Using the fill tools page 1 of 2 3 Applying uniform fills=Applying uniform fills>proc4 3 Loading a color model or palette into the Uniform Fill dialog box=Loading a color model or palette into the Uniform Fill dialog box>proc4 3 Applying fountain fills=Applying fountain fills>proc4 3 Creating, customizing, and deleting fountain fills=Creating customizing and deleting fountain fills>proc4 3 Applying bitmap fills=Applying bitmap fills>proc4 3 Importing, customizing, and deleting bitmap fills=Importing customizing and deleting bitmap fills>proc4 3 Applying a texture fill=Applying a texture fill>proc4 3 Customizing, saving, and deleting texture fills=Customizing saving and deleting texture fills>proc4 2 Editing your artwork 3 Overview: Editing your artwork=Editing your artwork 3 Smearing, smudging, and blending paint=Smearing smudging and blending paint>proc4 3 Using the sponge to saturate or desaturate paint=Using the sponge to saturate or desaturate paint>proc4 3 Adjusting the color of applied paint=Adjusting the color of applied paint>proc4 3 Using the Undo tools=Using the Undo tools>proc4 1 Applying effects to your image 2 Overview: Applying effects to your image=Applying effects to your image 2 Using the two-dimensional filters 3 Overview: Using the two-dimensional filters=Using the twodimensional filters page 1 of 2 3 Working with the Edge Detect filter=Working with the Edge Detect filter>proc4 3 Working with the Pixelate filter=Working with the Pixelate filter>proc4 3 Working with the Puzzle filter=Working with the Puzzle filter>proc4 3 Working with the Ripple filter=Working with the Ripple filter>proc4 3 Working with the Shear filter=Working with the Shear filter>proc4 3 Working with the Swirl filter=Working with the Swirl filter>proc4 3 Working with the Tile filter=Working with the Tile filter>proc4 3 Working with the Vignette filter=Working with the Vignette filter>proc4 3 Working with the Wet Paint filter=Working with the Wet Paint filter>proc4 3 Working with the Wind filter=Working with the Wind filter>proc4 3 Working with the Whirlpool filter=Working with the Whirlpool filter>proc4 2 Using the three-dimensional filters 3 Overview: Using the three-dimensional filters=Using the threedimensional filters page 1 of 2 3 Working with the 3D Rotate filter=Working with the 3D Rotate filter>proc4 3 Working with the Emboss filter=Working with the Emboss filter>proc4 3 Working with the Map To Object filter=Working with the Map To Object filter>proc4 3 Working with the Mesh Warp filter=Working with the Mesh Warp filter>proc4 3 Working with the Page Curl filter=Working with the Page Curl filter>proc4 3 Working with the Perspective filter=Working with the Perspective filter>proc4 3 Working with the Pinch/Punch filter=Working with the PinchPunch filter>proc4 3 Working with the Zig Zag filter=Working with the Zig Zag filter>proc4 2 Using the color transform filters 3 Overview: Using the color transform filters=Using the color transform filters 3 Working with the Halftone filter=Working with the Halftone filter>proc4 3 Working with the Psychedelic filter=Working with the Psychedelic filter>proc4 3 Working with the Solarize filter=Working with the Solarize filter>proc4 2 Using the render filters 3 Overview: Using the render effects=Using the render effects 3 Working with the Lens Flare filter=Working with the Lens Flare filter>proc4 3 Working with the Lighting Effects filter=Working with the Lighting Effects filter>proc4 2 Using the fancy filters 3 Overview: Using the fancy filters=Using the fancy filters 3 Working with the Alchemy filter=Working with the Alchemy filter>proc4 3 Working with the Terrazzo filter=Working with the Terrazzo filter>proc4 2 Using Digimarc Digital Watermarking 3 Overview: Using Digimarc digital watermarking=Using Digimarc digital watermarking 3 To embed a watermark=To embed a watermark>proc4 3 To read a watermark=To read a watermark>proc4 1 Adding images to Web pages 2 Overview: Adding images to Web pages=Adding images to Web pages 2 Placing images in Corel WEB.DESIGNER 3 Overview: Moving between Corel WEB.PhotoPaint and Corel WEB.DESIGNER=Moving between Corel WEBPhotoPaint and Corel WEBDESIGNER 3 Placing images in Corel WEB.DESIGNER=Placing images in Corel WEBDESIGNER>proc4 2 Choosing a file format for the Web 3 Overview: Choosing a file format for the Web=Choosing a file format for the Web page 1 of 2 3 Converting an image to .GIF file format=Converting an image to GIF file format>proc4 3 Converting an image to .JPEG file format=Converting an image to JPEG file format>proc4 2 Creating image maps and backgrounds 3 Overview: Creating image maps and backgrounds=Creating image maps and backgrounds 3 Defining clickable areas for the image map=Defining clickable areas for the image map>proc4 3 Saving the image map file=Saving the image map file>proc4 3 Creating a solid background=Creating a solid background>proc4 2 Simple animation for the Web 3 Overview: Simple animation for the Web=Simple animation for the Web 3 Creating animations=Creating animations>proc4 3 Saving an animation=Saving an animation>proc4 3 Viewing and navigating through animation frames=Viewing and navigating through animation frames>proc4 3 Adding and deleting frames=Adding and deleting frames>proc4 3 Changing the order of frames=Changing the order of frames>proc4 2 Adding HTML tags 3 Overview: Adding HTML tags=Adding HTML tags 3 HTML example codes=HTML example codes>proc4 1 Working with text and objects 2 Overview: Introduction to text and objects=Introduction to text and objects page 1 of 2 2 Overview: Object-editing modes=Objectediting modes page 1 of 2 2 Creating objects 3 Overview: Creating objects=Creating objects page 1 of 2 3 Creating an object using the clipboard=Creating an object using the clipboard>proc4 3 Creating an object and opening it into a new document=Creating an object and opening it into a new document>proc4 3 Creating an object from a mask=Creating an object from a mask>proc4 3 Creating objects when drawing shapes and segments=Creating objects when drawing shapes and segments>proc4 3 Creating objects from scratch=Creating objects from scratch>proc4 3 Adding text to an image=Adding text to an image>proc4 3 Assigning names to objects=Assigning names to objects>proc4 2 Selecting objects 3 Overview: Selecting objects=Selecting objects 3 Selecting an object=Selecting an object>proc4 3 Selecting multiple objects=Selecting multiple objects>proc4 3 Selecting all the objects in an image=Selecting all the objects in an image>proc4 3 Deselecting objects=Deselecting objects>proc4 2 Moving, duplicating, and deleting objects 3 Overview: Moving, duplicating, and deleting objects=Moving duplicating and deleting objects 3 Moving an object using the mouse=Moving an object using the mouse>proc4 3 Moving an object a precise amount=Moving an object a precise amount>proc4 3 Moving an object in preset increments=Moving an object in preset increments>proc4 3 Deleting objects=Deleting objects>proc4 3 Duplicating an object=Duplicating an object>proc4 3 Creating a drop shadow=Creating a drop shadow>proc4 2 Viewing, ordering, and aligning objects 3 Overview: Viewing, ordering, and aligning objects=Viewing ordering and aligning objects 3 Sizing the Objects Roll-Up=Sizing the Objects RollUp>proc4 3 Hiding and displaying objects=Hiding and displaying objects>proc4 3 Changing the order of objects=Changing the order of objects>proc4 3 Changing the order of objects interactively=Changing the order of objects interactively>proc4 3 Reversing the order of objects=Reversing the order of objects>proc4 3 Aligning objects=Aligning objects>proc4 3 Aligning an object in the Image Window=Aligning an object in the Image Window>proc4 2 Grouping and combining objects 3 Overview: Grouping and combining objects=Grouping and combining objects 3 Grouping objects=Grouping objects>proc4 3 Moving only one object within a group=Moving only one object within a group>proc4 3 Ungrouping objects=Ungrouping objects>proc4 3 Selecting multiple groups of objects=Selecting multiple groups of objects>proc4 3 Merging objects with the background image=Merging objects with the background image>proc4 3 Combining objects together=Combining objects together>proc4 2 Transforming objects 3 Overview: Transforming objects=Transforming objects page 1 of 2 3 Sizing and scaling objects precisely=Sizing and scaling objects precisely>proc4 3 Sizing an object interactively in the Image Window=Sizing an object interactively in the Image Window>proc4 3 Rotating an object=Rotating an object>proc4 3 Creating a mirror image of an object=Creating a mirror image of an object>proc4 3 Skewing an object=Skewing an object>proc4 3 Distorting an object=Distorting an object>proc4 3 Applying perspective to an object=Applying perspective to an object>proc4 2 Editing objects 3 Overview: Editing objects=Editing objects 3 Protecting your work 4 Overview: Protecting your work=Protecting your work 4 Protecting an object from editing changes=Protecting an object from editing changes>proc4 4 Maintaining an object's shape when editing=Maintaining an objects shape when editing>proc4 4 Protecting the rest of an image when editing an object=Protecting the rest of an image when editing an object>proc4 4 Editing individual objects within a group=Editing individual objects within a group>proc4 3 Altering object edges 4 Overview: Altering object edges=Altering object edges 4 Feathering the edges of an object=Feathering the edges of an object>proc4 3 Editing the shape and color of objects 4 Overview: Editing the shape and color of objects=Editing the shape and color of objects 4 Filling an object with a different color or pattern=Filling an object with a different color or pattern>proc4 4 Adjusting an object's overall transparency=Adjusting an objects overall transparency>proc4 4 Adjusting the transparency of some pixels in an object=Adjusting the transparency of some pixels in an object>proc4 4 Fading an object into the background=Fading an object into the background>proc4 4 Editing the shape of an object using a mask tool=Editing the shape of an object using a mask tool>proc4 4 Erasing color in an object=Erasing color in an object>proc4 4 Removing sections of an object=Removing sections of an object>proc4 4 Adding to an existing object using tools=Adding to an existing object using tools>proc4 3 Editing text objects 4 Overview: Editing text objects=Editing text objects 4 Sizing text=Sizing text>proc4 4 Aligning text=Aligning text>proc4 4 Formatting text=Formatting text>proc4 4 Editing text=Editing text>proc4 1 Working with masks 2 Overview: Working with masks=Working with masks page 1 of 2 2 Creating masks 3 Overview: Creating masks=Creating masks 3 Masking by creating a shape 4 Overview: Masking by creating a shape=Masking by creating a shape 4 Creating a rectangular selection=Creating a rectangular selection>proc4 4 Creating a selection of a specific height or width=Creating a selection of a specific height or width>proc4 4 Creating a circular or elliptical selection=Creating a circular or elliptical selection>proc4 4 Creating an irregular selection=Creating an irregular selection>proc4 4 Painting the area to select=Painting the area to select>proc4 4 Creating a mask that selects the entire image=Creating a mask that selects the entire image>proc4 4 Inverting a mask=Inverting a mask>proc4 3 Masking only certain colors in an image 4 Overview: Color-sensitive masks=Colorsensitive masks 4 Selecting certain colors in a specific area=Selecting certain colors in a specific area>proc4 4 Selecting adjacent pixels of similar color=Selecting adjacent pixels of similar color>proc4 4 Creating and editing a color mask that considers all pixels=Creating and editing a color mask that considers all pixels>proc4 4 Editing selected colors within a mask=Editing selected colors within a mask>proc4 3 Alternative methods to create masks 4 Overview: Alternative methods to create masks=Alternative methods to create masks page 1 of 2 4 Creating a mask in the shape of text=Creating a mask in the shape of text>proc4 4 Creating a mask from an object=Creating a mask from an object>proc4 4 Creating a new selection with the clipboard contents=Creating a new selection with the clipboard contents>proc4 4 Pasting into an existing mask selection=Pasting into an existing mask selection>proc4 4 Creating a mask from a path=Creating a mask from a path>proc4 2 Sizing mask marquees 3 Overview: Sizing mask marquees=Sizing mask marquees 3 Selecting the current mask's marquee=Selecting the current masks marquee>proc4 3 Sizing a mask marquee precisely=Sizing a mask marquee precisely>proc4 3 Sizing a mask marquee in the Image Window=Sizing a mask marquee in the Image Window>proc4 2 Moving mask marquees and selections 3 Overview: Moving mask marquees and selections=Moving mask marquees and selections 3 Moving a mask marquee and the pixels inside it=Moving a mask marquee and the pixels inside it>proc4 3 Moving only the mask marquee=Moving only the mask marquee>proc4 3 Moving a mask marquee in preset increments=Moving a mask marquee in preset increments>proc4 3 Stamping copies of the selection onto the background=Stamping copies of the selection onto the background>proc4 3 Removing a mask=Removing a mask>proc4 2 Transforming mask marquees 3 Overview: Mask Transformations=Mask Transformations 3 Rotating the mask marquee=Rotating the mask marquee>proc4 3 Scaling a mask marquee=Scaling a mask marquee>proc4 3 Creating a mirror image of a mask marquee=Creating a mirror image of a mask marquee>proc4 3 Skewing a mask marquee=Skewing a mask marquee>proc4 3 Distorting a mask marquee=Distorting a mask marquee>proc4 3 Applying perspective to a mask marquee=Applying perspective to a mask marquee>proc4 2 Altering mask edges 3 Overview: Altering the edges of a selection=Altering the edges of a selection 3 Feathering pixels around a selection=Feathering pixels around a selection>proc4 3 Smoothing the edges of a mask=Smoothing the edges of a mask>proc4 3 Applying color or an effect along the mask marquee=Applying color or an effect along the mask marquee>proc4 2 Expanding and reducing a mask selection 3 Overview: Expanding and reducing a mask selection=Expanding and reducing a mask selection page 1 of 2 3 Adding areas to a selection=Adding areas to a selection>proc4 3 Removing protected islands within a selection=Removing protected islands within a selection>proc4 3 Expanding or reducing a selection by a number of pixels=Expanding or reducing a selection by a number of pixels>proc4 3 Adding adjacent pixels of similar color to a selection=Adding adjacent pixels of similar color to a selection>proc4 3 Subtracting areas from a selection=Subtracting areas from a selection>proc4 3 Creating a border-shaped selection=Creating a bordershaped selection>proc4 3 Creating a new image from a selection=Creating a new image from a selection>proc4 1 Working with paths 2 Overview: Introduction to paths=Introduction to paths 2 Creating and saving paths 3 Overview: Creating and saving paths=Creating and saving paths 3 Starting a new path=Starting a new path>proc4 3 Drawing straight path segments=Drawing straight path segments>proc4 3 Drawing curved path segments=Drawing curved path segments>proc4 3 Closing a path when creating it=Closing a path when creating it>proc4 3 Creating a path from a mask=Creating a path from a mask>proc4 3 Saving and opening paths=Saving and opening paths>proc4 3 Removing and deleting paths=Removing and deleting paths>proc4 2 Selecting and moving parts of a path 3 Overview: Selecting and moving parts of a path=Selecting and moving parts of a path 3 Selecting and deselecting nodes=Selecting and deselecting nodes>proc4 3 Shaping a path by moving its segments=Shaping a path by moving its segments>proc4 3 Shaping a path by moving its nodes=Shaping a path by moving its nodes>proc4 3 Shaping a path by moving its control points=Shaping a path by moving its control points>proc4 3 Moving path segments using the Elastic Mode option=Moving path segments using the Elastic Mode option>proc4 2 Editing a path 3 Overview: Editing a path=Editing a path 3 Adding and deleting nodes on a path 4 Overview: Adding and deleting nodes on a path=Adding and deleting nodes on a path 4 Adding a single node to a path=Adding a single node to a path>proc4 4 Adding several nodes at once to a path=Adding several nodes at once to a path>proc4 4 Deleting a node from a path=Deleting a node from a path>proc4 4 Reducing the number of nodes automatically=Reducing the number of nodes automatically>proc4 3 Joining nodes and breaking a path 4 Overview: Joining nodes and breaking a path=Joining nodes and breaking a path 4 Joining two nodes=Joining two nodes>proc4 4 Breaking up a path=Breaking up a path>proc4 3 Changing node and segment type 4 Overview: Changing node and segment type=Changing node and segment type 4 Changing the node type=Changing the node type>proc4 4 Changing a segment to a curve or line=Changing a segment to a curve or line>proc4 2 Purpose of paths 3 Overview: Purpose of paths=Purpose of paths page 1 of 2 3 Painting along a path=Painting along a path>proc4 1 Working with color 2 Overview: Working with color=Working with color 2 Converting an image to a different color mode 3 Overview: Converting your image to a different color mode=Converting your image to a different color mode 3 Converting a grayscale image to duotone=Converting a grayscale image to duotone>proc4 3 Converting your image to paletted image mode=Converting your image to paletted image mode>proc4 3 Converting an image to RGB color mode=Converting an image to RGB color mode>proc4 2 Creating and selecting colors 3 Overview: Creating and selecting colors=Creating and selecting colors page 1 of 2 3 Selecting colors using the Eyedropper tool=Selecting colors using the Eyedropper tool>proc4 3 Using the paint and paper color swatches in the Color Roll-Up=Using the paint and paper color swatches in the Color RollUp>proc4 3 Selecting colors from a visual selector=Selecting colors from a visual selector>proc4 3 Defining colors numerically=Defining colors numerically>proc4 3 Creating colors in the Mixing Area=Creating colors in the Mixing Area>proc4 3 Creating colors with the Color Blend=Creating colors with the Color Blend>proc4 3 Selecting colors from palettes in the Color Roll-Up=Selecting colors from palettes in the Color RollUp>proc4 3 Selecting the colors for the on-screen Color Palette=Selecting the colors for the onscreen Color Palette>proc4 2 Using custom color palettes 3 Overview: Using custom color palettes=Using custom color palettes 3 Adding and deleting colors in the custom palette=Adding and deleting colors in the custom palette>proc4 3 Creating, saving, and opening custom palettes=Creating saving and opening custom palettes>proc4 3 Using the Image Colors palette=Using the Image Colors palette>proc4 3 Using Netscape Navigator (TM) or Microsoft Internet Explorer (R) color palettes=Using Netscape Navigator TM or Microsoft Internet Explorer R color palettes>proc4 2 Working with the Color Table 3 Overview: Working with the Color Table=Working with the Color Table 3 Editing color using the Color Table=Editing color using the Color Table>proc4 3 Creating simulated duotones from paletted images using the Color Table=Creating simulated duotones from paletted images using the Color Table>proc4 2 Correcting or adjusting the colors in your image 3 Overview: Correcting or adjusting the colors in your image=Correcting or adjusting the colors in your image 3 Adjusting color using the Color Balance filter=Adjusting color using the Color Balance filter>proc4 3 Adjusting hue, saturation, and lightness=Adjusting hue saturation and lightness>proc4 3 Replacing colors in your image=Replacing colors in your image>proc4 3 Desaturating your image=Desaturating your image>proc4 3 Inverting colors in your image=Inverting colors in your image>proc4 3 Posterizing your image=Posterizing your image>proc4 3 Using the Threshold filter=Using the Threshold filter>proc4 2 Preserving image color on the Internet 3 Overview: Preserving image color on the Internet=Preserving image color on the Internet 1 Customizing Corel WEB.PhotoPaint 2 Overview: Customizing Corel WEB.PhotoPaint=Customizing Corel WEBPhotoPaint 2 Choosing how Corel WEB.PhotoPaint behaves 3 Overview: Choosing how Corel WEB.PhotoPaint behaves=Choosing how Corel WEBPhotoPaint behaves 3 Choosing a task to perform when opening Corel WEB.PhotoPaint=Choosing a task to perform when opening Corel WEBPhotoPaint>proc4 3 Preserving dialog box position on screen=Preserving dialog box position on screen>proc4 3 Enabling and disabling pop-up help=Enabling and disabling popup help>proc4 3 Enabling and disabling undo capabilities=Enabling and disabling undo capabilities>proc4 3 Choosing the number of undo levels=Choosing the number of undo levels>proc4 3 Disabling multi-tasking=Disabling multitasking>proc4 2 Disabling the display of warnings 3 Overview: Disabling the display of warnings=Disabling the display of warnings 3 Enabling and disabling the read-only warning=Enabling and disabling the readonly warning>proc4 3 Disabling tool warnings=Disabling tool warnings>proc4 3 Disabling the effect preview warning=Disabling the effect preview warning>proc4 2 Choosing measurement options 3 Overview: Choosing measurement options=Choosing measurement options 3 Choosing the units of measurement=Choosing the units of measurement>proc4 3 Settings the nudge increments=Settings the nudge increments>proc4 3 Making sure that one inch is really one inch=Making sure that one inch is really one inch>proc4 2 Choosing default viewing options 3 Overview: Choosing default viewing options=Choosing default viewing options 3 Setting the zoom level when opening images=Setting the zoom level when opening images>proc4 3 Making the Image Window resize automatically=Making the Image Window resize automatically>proc4 2 Changing the look of on-screen indicators 3 Overview: Changing the look of on-screen indicators=Changing the look of onscreen indicators 3 Mask and object indicators 4 Overview: Mask and object indicators=Mask and object indicators 4 Changing the color of the mask overlay=Changing the color of the mask overlay>proc4 4 Choosing the color of object and mask marquees=Choosing the color of object and mask marquees>proc4 4 Choosing which objects have an object marquee=Choosing which objects have an object marquee>proc4 4 Choosing the marquee color of data pasted in a selection=Choosing the marquee color of data pasted in a selection>proc4 4 Choosing the colors of the transparency grid pattern=Choosing the colors of the transparency grid pattern>proc4 3 Grid, guidelines, and other indicators 4 Overview: Grid, guidelines, and other indicators=Grid guidelines and other indicators 4 Choosing the color of guidelines=Choosing the color of guidelines>proc4 4 Customizing the Snap to Guidelines sensitivity=Customizing the Snap to Guidelines sensitivity>proc4 4 Choosing the color and style of the grid=Choosing the color and style of the grid>proc4 4 Choosing the cursor type=Choosing the cursor type>proc4 2 Safeguarding your work 3 Overview: Safeguarding your work=Safeguarding your work 3 Creating backup copies of your images=Creating backup copies of your images>proc4 3 Saving your images automatically=Saving your images automatically>proc4 2 Setting pressure-sensitive pen options 3 Overview: Setting pressure-sensitive pen options=Setting pressuresensitive pen options 3 Trying out various pen settings=Trying out various pen settings>proc4 3 Assigning a tool to a pen's eraser=Assigning a tool to a pens eraser>proc4 3 Saving and loading pen settings=Saving and loading pen settings>proc4 2 Setting memory and performance options 3 Overview: Setting memory and performance options=Setting memory and performance options 3 Using hard disk space for temporary files=Using hard disk space for temporary files>proc4 3 Setting the amount of RAM available for images in Corel WEB.PhotoPaint=Setting the amount of RAM available for images in Corel WEBPhotoPaint>proc4 3 Choosing a scanning transfer mode=Choosing a scanning transfer mode>proc4 3 Initializing third-party effects when opening Corel WEB.PhotoPaint=Initializing thirdparty effects when opening Corel WEBPhotoPaint>proc4 3 Adding and removing plug-in filters=Adding and removing plugin filters>proc4 1 Shortcuts 2 Overview: General keyboard shortcuts=General keyboard shortcuts 2 Overview: Shortcuts for basic commands=Shortcuts for basic commands 2 Overview: Shortcuts for retouching and refining your image=Shortcuts for retouching and refining your image 2 Overview: Shortcuts for painting, filling, and editing=Shortcuts for painting filling and editing 2 Overview: Shortcuts for objects=Shortcuts for objects 2 Overview: Shortcuts for masks=Shortcuts for masks 1 Glossary 2 Glossary=a 2 Trademarks and registered trademarks=Trademarks_and_registered_trademarks