0 00000 2 01004 3 Return value was truncated 4 01S02 5 Option value changed 6 01S03 7 No rows updated or deleted 8 01S05 9 Cancel treated as FreeStmt/Close 10 07001 11 Wrong number of parameters 12 07006 13 Cannot convert to specified type 14 08001 15 Unable to make connection to data source 16 08002 17 Connection is already open 18 08003 19 Connection is not open 20 08004 21 Data source rejected connection 22 21S01 23 Value list does not match column list 24 22001 25 String data right trunctation 26 22003 27 Numeric value out of range 28 22005 29 String cannot be converted to number 30 22008 31 Datetime field overflow 32 22026 33 String data length mismatch 34 24000 35 Invalid cursor state 36 25000 37 Transaction is in process 38 28000 39 Invalid authorization specification 40 34000 41 Invalid cursor name 42 37000 43 Syntax error 44 IM001 45 Driver does not support this function 46 S0002 47 Table or view does not exist 48 S1000 49 Error attempting logon 50 S1000 51 General error 52 S1000 53 Internal error: HDBC not found in list 54 S1000 55 Internal error: no / in username 56 S1000 57 Internal error: unknown colid 58 S1000 59 Internal error: type conversion not yet implemented 60 S1000 61 Internal error: can't happen 62 S1002 63 Invalid column number 64 S1003 65 Not a valid data type 66 S1004 67 Not a valid ODBC SQL type 68 NA000 70 S1001 71 Memory allocation error 72 S1009 73 Invalid argument 74 S1010 75 Function sequence error 76 S1012 77 fType must be SQL_COMMIT or SQL_ROLLBACK 78 S1090 79 Invalid string or buffer length 80 S1091 81 Descriptor value out of range 82 S1093 83 Invalid parameter number 84 S1094 85 Invalid scale value 86 S1096 87 Invalid fInfoType argument 88 S1097 89 Invalid fColType argument 90 S1098 91 Invalid fScope argument 92 S1099 93 Invalid fNullable argument 94 S1101 95 Invalid fAccuracy argument 96 S1102 97 Invalid fTableType argument 98 S1C00 99 Driver not capable 100 IM008 101 Dialog Failed 102 IM009 103 Unable to load translation DLL 104 VS001 105 Driver is not properly installed. 106 VS002 107 Driver is not properly licensed. 108 23000 109 Ingetrity constraint violation 110 3C000 111 Duplicate cursor name 112 22012 113 Division by zero 114 S1000 115 Inserted value too large for column