Beautiful Flowers...
Coronado Imperial

Height: 5'
Color: Bright, red
Buds: Long-ovoid
Blooms: 5"
Petals: 30
Stems: 18"
Foliage: Matte green
Fragrance: Moderate

- Rare color along with superb fragrance are the reasons this rose has enjoyed remarkable popularity for many years. The color is a rich lilac purple, and the fragrance is a strong, sweet scent that will remind you of lucious, ripe raspberries. You'll thoroughly enjoy watching as its deep purple buds rease you, seeming to hold forever in the half-open stage. Freshly opened blooms are a bright pink that soon softens.

Price: 3 for $27.95

Fairy Tale

Height: 3'
Color: Scarlet Red
Buds: Pointed
Blooms: 4" to 5"
Petals: 40 to 50
Stems: 10"
Foliage: Semi-glossy
Fragrance: Slight

- A rose that brings exceptional beauty and quality fo you garden! Brilliant red blooms with classic, spiraled form are carried on long stems, making this a superior cutting rose. The plant itself is self-cleaning, so it always appears tidy and well-groomed in your garden. And the vivid flowers stay bright without fading in the garden and in bouquets. Performs brilliantly in all climates.

Price: 3 for $41.50

Liz's Secret

Height: 6'
Color: Pink blend
Buds: Long,pointed
Blooms: 5" to 6"
Petals: 30 to 40
Stems: 18" to 20"
Foliage: Medium green
Fragrance: Stong

- With its captivating color, vigorous growth, freeblooming habit and rich, sweet scent, it's easy to understand the instant popularity of this rose! It sets loads of large, fragrant blossoms on a tall, stately bush. Deep pink buds -- some up to 2" long -- open in slow, exquisite spirals into blooms that are large and lovely . . . a lucious blend of rose and pink shades.

Price: 3 for $48.95

Mary's Desire

Height: 3' to 4'
Color: Red
Buds: short, pointed
Blooms: 1" to 2"
Petals: 45
Stems: 10" to 12"
Foliage: Dark Green
Fragrance: Slight

- Always loaded with bright red, 1" to 1 1/2" blooms that look like little hybrid tea roses! Grows 3' to 4' tall. A dense habit makes this rose excellent for low edges and borders -- a real bloon for your landscape!

Price: 3 for $45.60

Rose Beauty

Height: 51
Color: Red
Buds: Long, pointed
Blooms: 4" to 5"
Petals: 35
Stems: 14" to 18"
Foliage: Dark Green
Fragrance: Light

- When Rose Beauty opens its gleaming, red blooms, the garden seems suddenly to fill with light! Our '96 winner is a thoroughly impressive performer and a joy to grow . . . vigorous, disease resistant, and it rewards you with a bounty of large, well-formed blossoms. The flowers begin as long, light yellow buds and open into radiant full blooms presented against lustrous dark foliage. A stunning rose, a must for your garden!

Price: 4 for $54.35

Yellow Brandy

Height: 4' to 5'
Buds: long, tapered
Blooms: 4" to 6"
Petals: 30 to 35
Stems: 12" to 18"
Foliage: Dark Green
Fragrance: Light

- This rose's long, pointed buds open to blossoms of dramatically superior form -- high-centered, beautifully spiraled, with broad petals that show a hint of ruffle, showcased by lush, dark green foliage. Add a touch of class and enjoy this award-winning beauty in your garden this season!

Price: 4 for $29.95