The Ultimate Guide to the Movies™
The world's largest movie guide including over 90,000 movies andvideos
This multimedia movie expert gives you interactive access tothe world's largest movie database on CD-ROM. With over 90,000movie and video listings, exploring the Corel All-Movie Guidecan be as entertaining as watching your favorite movies.
The Corel All-Movie Guide™ can make recommendations based on awide variety of criteria, it's like having your very own filmcritic. Print a list of movies to take to the video store, orpurchase* from a wide selection of videos from the Corel All-MovieGuide's home delivery service. It's that easy! Never again willyou have to wander around the video store looking for that perfectmovie!
- Instant access to over 90,000 classic and contemporary titles
- Easy-to-use 3D video store interface
- Purchase various movies and videos online to be deliveredto your home anywhere within Canada or the United States
- Print a list to take to the video store
- Read descriptions and ratings of major motion pictures
- Assign your own movie ratings and reviews
- Sneak a peek at the stars in numerous photographs and interviews
- Hours and hours of entertainment exploring tons of movie trivia
- Test your movie knowledge in the Trivia Game or crossword puzzles
- Recommends movies based on your ratings
For Windows® 95 and Macintosh®
© 1995 Corel Corporation. All rights reserved. Corel is aregistered trademark of Corel Corporation. AMG is a trademarkof Matrix Software Inc. The MPC logo is a certification mark ofthe Multimedia PC Marketing Council Inc. Macintosh is a registeredtrademark of Apple Computer, Inc. The MAC OS logo is a trademarkof Apple Computer, Inc. QuickTime and the QuickTime logo are trademarksof Apple Computer, Inc. used under license.. Made with Macromediais a trademark of Macromedia Inc.Windows is a trademark of MicrosoftCorporation. Academy Awards is a registered trademark of the Academyof Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.
Copyright © 1995 Corel Corporation.