Endless hours of fun, learning and creativity.!
Based on the popular children's book by Alan Rogers, GreenBear is a fun filled interactive tale and electronic coloringbook. Perfect for your preschooler, ages 3 to 6, this enchantingCD-ROM story follows Green Bear through the year as he paintshis house to match the colors of each season. With the educationaland entertaining situations to explore on every page, this enjoyablemultimedia title will offer your child endless hours of fun, learningand creativity.
- 7 full-color interactive pages
- Dozens of animations on each page
- Simple story line is perfect for preschoolers.
- Coloring book offers endless hours of playtime.
- Have the narrator read the story out loud in English or Spanish.
- Click on any word to hear its pronunciation.
- Explore and color each of page.
- Create a slide show of your child's masterpieces.
- Print or save your child's coloring book pages.
- Control the volume within the story.
Your child will learn to identify:
- Numbers
- Shapes
- Flowers
- Tools
- Vegetables
- Winter clothing
Ages 3 to 6
For Windows® and Macintosh®
©1995 Corel Corporation and Motion Works International Inc.Text and original illustrations ©1990 by Alan Rogers. WithAcknowledgments to Peter Lang. Original Interlude Music ©1994by Steven Rodford. All rights reserved. Corel is a registeredtrademark of Corel Corporation. Little Giants and Green Bear aretrademarks of Alan Rogers. The Motion Works logo is a registeredtrademark of Motion Works International Inc. The MAC OS logo,QuickTime and the QuickTime logo are trademarks of Apple Computer,Inc used under license. Macintosh is a registered trademark ofApple Computer, Inc. Windows is a registered trademark of MicrosoftCorporation. The MPC logo is a certification mark of the MultimediaPC Marketing Council Inc.
Copyright © 1995 Corel Corporation.