Three Awesome Arcade Action Games on CD-ROM
Arcade Mania brings the excitement of classic arcade games intothe 90's with three challenging games: Nova 3, Neutrino and LunarFox.
Nova 3
The setting - a space station in the future. After receiving aMayday distress signal from the lone survivor of an alien attack,the player beams down to seek and destroy the lurking enemies.
"It may be all but impossible unless the runaway reactorcan be brought under control. Early reports indicate a potentialcatastrophe not unlike the devastation at Chernobyl!" Yourrole is to enter the power plant, stop the nuclear reaction andsave the world - before it's too late!
Lunar Fox
Jupiter's moon - 2120 AD:
The player navigates a battle cruiser through a 3D terrain infestedwith enemy tanks. Take cover behind structures in the labyrinthwhile firing missile eye view weapons - stalk and be stalked inheart-pounding combat arcade action.
- Incredible 3D rendered and motion-modeled images
- Amazing video and animated story lines
- Stunning ray-traced SVGA graphics
- Astounding digital soundtracks
- Customizable user options
Nova 3
- 8 ray-traced modeled chambers
- Full-motion video sequences
- An armory of weapons and special properties
- 6 chambers, 30 levels, atomic puzzles to discover and master
- Discover particles, balls and paddles that contain variousproperties
- Random and chain-reaction events set to multiple soundtracks
Lunar Fox
- Fractal terrain landscapes
- Maze full of cunning enemies
- Missile eye view weapons
For WINDOWS®© 1995 Corel Corporation and Artech Digital EntertainmentsInc. All rights reserved. Corel is a registered trademark of CorelCorporation. Corel Arcade Mania, Nova 3, Neutrino and Lunar Foxare trademarks of Corel Corporation. The Artech logo is a trademarkof Artech Digital Entertainments Inc.Windows is a registered trademarkof Microsoft Corporation. The MPC logo is a certification markof the Multimedia PC Marketing Council Inc. Arcade Mania was developedby Artech Digital Entertainments for Corel Corporation.
Copyright © 1995 Corel Corporation.