PageFocus Version 4.1 ( Shareware Version ) 2.98 Copyright (c) 1994-1998, Creative Stars, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Creative Stars, Inc. P.O. Box 2794 Redmond, WA 98073 TEL: (425) 485-1737 FAX: (425) 487-0980 E-Mail: Internet: Web Site: ========================================================================== Subjects covered in this file: ========================================================================== Introduction Use Rules How to register (Order) New features Install/Uninstall Technical Support Copy Rights / License Distribution by Vendors DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY Introduction: ============================================================================== This shareware version contains all the features of a registered version. This version has a 30 days evaluation restriction. 1. PageFocus contains two programs: PFOCUS.EXE This is the main PageFocus program. Use this for creating and designing drawings, forms, documents, catalogs, etc. EX.EXE This is the run-time program. Use this to create database and form applications. Or use it as a viewer for browsing PageFocus files. 2. This package does not include printed manuals. The help files and a brief user guide, USEGUIDE.PF, which is a PageFocus File, provide all the information you need to run the programs. We suggest that you open USEGUIDE.PF with EX.EXE and read it. Another file, TIPS.PF, is useful for seeking frequently asked questions. 3. Minimum system requirements: 486 PC, VGA, Mouse. (Pentium class and and Super VGA or up preferred) Windows 3.1, Windows 95. The package require approximately 5M bytes of disk space. 4. The button bars described in PageFocus help file are based on a super-VGA screen mode. If your monitor is running on VGA mode, the button bar will be slightly different from those described in the help files. However, this should not affect the use of PageFocus because all the button commands are available from command menus. Use Rules ========================================================================== A. Copyright PageFocus is a copyrighted software. This version is a shareware, not a freeware. B. Evaluation period The evaluation period is 30 days following your installation. If you do not register after the evaluation period, you must remove all the files related to PageFocus from your computer. Any use of the package after the 30-day period without registering with the Creative Stars is a violation of this use agreement. PageFocus will eventually quit working if a violation of the use agreement occurs. If you had used a previous version of PageFocus shareware and it expired without registration, please remove it entirely (including all the files created with it) before trying out the new version. If you want to be able to use the old files created by an old shareware version, you will need a registered version. If you have a registered version, then you can safely try out this new shareware version. However, we suggest that you install this version in a new directory. This new version will read all the files of the previous versions. But the previous versions will not be able to read some of the files created with this new version. C. Important!!! PageFocus uses your system time to check the integrity and cross-referencing of forms and databases. We suggest that you maintain a consistent date and time for your system. Time accuracy is not critical, but a correct system date is essential. ============================================================================== = How to register ============================================================================== = Just pay the price of the software to Creative Stars, Inc. = You can use the order forms provided with this package: = = 1. Run EX.EXE and select the "Order Form" command in the = Help menu. Fill in the needed information then either fax or mail = to the address specified. = = 2. Call us at (425) 485-1737 = = or = 3. Visit our web page: = for ordering = via the Internet. = = = The per copy price is $29.00 plus = $5.00 shipping/handling = The basic package include an American English dictionary for spelling = check. = = Additional spelling check dictionaries can be ordered at $8.00 each for = the following languages: = British English, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, = Spanish, and Swedish. = Order as many different languages as you may need. = = We accept all the major credit cards (VISA, Master Card and = American Express). = If you are paying by check, you must mail the check (in US dollars) = with shipping instructions. We will send out the registered copy = only after we have received the check. = = If you are a Washington State resident or business, please include state tax. = ============================================================================== New features ============================================================================== To find the new features in this version, use PageFocus or EX to open the WHATSNEW.PF file which is located in the install directory. Install/Uninstall ========================================================================== If you have a registered version, please save you old version, or install this new version into a new directory. If you have an existing shareware version, you must remove all the old version before installing this new version. After unzipping the zip file, install PageFocus by running the install program (INSTALL.EXE). PageFocus package does not modify your win.ini file or other files (such as config.sys or autoexec.bat files). Uninstall is easy! If you want to remove (uninstall) PageFocus, simply remove the installed PageFocus directory and an initialization files, PFOCUS.INI, located in your Windows directory. Technical Support: ========================================================================== For registered users, we provide a 60-day free technical support: e-mail: fax: (425) 487-0980, any time. phone (425) 485-1737, weekdays 8am to 5pm, Pacific Standard Time in the US. Please use e-mail whenever possible. For unregistered users, we will try to answer your questions during the evaluation period. Comments and bug-reports will be greatly appreciated. Copy Rights / License ========================================================================== PageFocus is protected by United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. You can make copies of this shareware and give it to your friends and colleagues. However, you must use the original zip file without any modification and you may not charge the receiver except for the cost of copying. If instead of the original zip file, you copy the install directory and transfer it, it will not work properly and is a violation of this shareware use agreement. Distribution by Vendors, BBS, etc. ========================================================================== Please refer to VENDINFO.DIZ for information. ========================================================================== DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY THIS SOFTWARE AND THE RELATED DOCUMENTATION ARE RELEASED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES AS TO PERFORMANCE OF MERCHANTABILITY OR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. BECAUSE OF THE VARIOUS HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE ENVIRONMENTS INTO WHICH THIS PROGRAM MAY BE PUT, NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IS OFFERED. GOOD DATA PROCESSING PROCEDURE DICTATES THAT ANY PROGRAM BE THOROUGHLY TESTED WITH NON-CRITICAL DATA BEFORE RELYING ON IT. THE USER MUST ASSUME THE ENTIRE RISK OF USING THE PROGRAM. ANY LIABILITY OF THE SELLER WILL BE LIMITED EXCLUSIVELY TO PRODUCT REPLACEMENT OR REFUND OF PURCHASE PRICE MINUS THE HANDLING CHARGES.