FaxWare has a multi-layered
architecture. Three different software modules carry out totally different
This concept
guarantees not only excellent configurability and high reliability but
also the unlimited expansion of the entire system.áá
The Service
It carries out
the main work and provides the real fax service.áá
The Transport
This layer is
responsible for data transmission via the installed fax hardware (modem
or ISDN board).áá
The Frontend
The Frontend
programs for DOS and Windows allow for access by the clients on the local
network to the FaxWare message files.áá
The Service Layer
The Service Layer
is the real heart of FaxWare 5. It has been developed to operate on a server.
The Service Layer receives the fax jobs from the Frontend Layer, carries
out conversion into fax files, prints fax files, and takes care of the
job management for the Transport Layer.áá
In addition,
the Service Layer manages the FaxWare users, groups, and services as well
maintaining the logs of all sent and received messages. Various databases
are managed by the FaxWare server, e.g. the collection list, the routing
list, and the charges database.áá
The Transport Layer
As the name suggests,
this is a medium for the transmission of information. The Transport Layer
Driver (TLD) runs on the server and connects the Service Layer with the
fax hardware. Depending on the licensed level of FaxWare, several TLDs
can be operated on the server at the same time. Special Transport Layer
Drivers work with analog modems (Class 2 and Class 2.0) as well as with
ISDN boards (CAPI 1.1, CAPI 2.0, and the CAPI Manager) and intelligent
fax boards.áá
The Frontend Layer
The users work with
the Frontend Layer on their workstations. One program is available as the
Frontend Layer for operation under DOS and another one for Windows. The
Frontend Layer is the connection between the Service Layer and the user.
It allows you to view your personal send and receive logs as well as the
address books and the Tobit Archive System. In addition, it provides many
other features like the creation of fax jobs or internal E-mails by means
of an integrated FaxWare editor. The fax viewer and editor is called directly
from the Frontend program.á |