To install GFI modem/board/isdn debug utility ============================================= 1. Create a new directory. 2. Unzip GFIFAX.ZIP in the new directory. To use GFI modem/board/isdn debug utility ========================================= 3. Run GFIFAX.EXE with parameters. If no or incorrect parameters are entered a help is displayed. For example to send a fax; gfifax +s /N 661072 test.fax or to receive a fax: gfifax +r c:\in.fax The file test.fax is included for test purposes. 4. Make sure that you send the fax to the fax machine or modem on which FAXmaker fails. When program stops (after success or failure) a file called debug.txt is created. 5. Send this file should be sent to GFI FAX & Voice support. This will enable us to see what has happened. Some more examples ========================================= To send a fax over an ISDN CAPI2.0 adapter: GFIFAX +s /capi20 /P 1 /N 12345678 test.fax Note that '/S capi20' tell GFIFAX.EXE to use capi20. '/P 1' means that first controller has to be used To receive a fax on ISDN-card over 2nd card: GFIFAX +r /S capi20 /P 2 in.fax The /Z flag (ISDN CAPI2.0 only) ============================================================= CAPI2.0 is standard protocol for software to communicate with the ISDN board. However, the implementation of CAPI2.0 can be slightly different between manufacturers. To take full advantage of the ISDN card, you can add the /Z flag. Example sending fax over AvmB1 card: GFIFAX +s /S capi20 /P 1 /N 12345 /Z AvmB1 test.fax The /I flag ============================================================= The /I option can be used to set the TSI (transmitting called subscriber identification). The term TSI is very often interchanged with CSI (or CSID) and the fax-header. CSI is the TSI sent to you by the other party (your TSI is the other patry's CSI and the other way around). The fax-header is a completely different thing, although most fax-machines put the exact TSI info in it. One very imporatant thing to know is: some modems do NOT ACCEPT characters in the TSI. The resulting error is that the modem cannot be switched to fax-mode. In the debug-utility GFIFAX.EXE, the /I information will be used for TSI as well as fax-header, to make the debug-utility as simple as possible. So, some modems will fail to switch to faxmode after the command: GFIFAX /I "Gfi Fax&Voice" /N 1 test.fax but will succeed on GFIFAX /I "12 34 56" /N 1 test.fax Short technical note on the modem delay times ( /X and /Y options ) ============================================================= Most of the modem-problems are due to modem-command delay-time. Online, the delay is very critical for a few modems. There are two indications that delay might be a problem: 1. The modem doesn't respond on a command (error -3102). 2. The carrier is dropped, i.e. the connection is lost. This you can see from the modem, CD is switched off. The TIA/EIA class 2 specification states that: "the DCE may fail to recognise a command line if the start element of the first character of the command line begins within one millisecond of one half-bit time into the stop element of the terminating character of the final result code character issued in response to the preceding command line". The TIA/EIA class 2.0 specification states that: "the DTE shall not issue a new command line until the DCE has finished delivering the complete final result code to the previous command line, including any following and characters". However, there's no mathematical rule to calculate the delay-time. When a modem is offline, FAXmaker uses a long delay before it releases a new command (60ms) and inbetween two characters (20ms). These delays are definitely long enough for all modems. The problem is not when the modem is offline. The problem is when the modem is online. When online, the delay has to be long enough so that next command will be accepted, but not too long because the modem might drop the carrier because it doesn't receive a command. This behaviour is different amongst the modems on the market. Also, some commands require a longer delay than other on the same modem. There are a lot of differences between modems. The behaviour not only depends on the modem-type only, but also on the EPROM-version of the modem. Because GFI can't test all different modems/EPROM versions, you can change the delay in the debug-utility and see if it solves youre problem. The default pre-command delay (/X) is 20ms, the default delay between two characters (/Y) is 10ms. If you use /X and /Y, please try the following combinations: /X 0 /Y 0 /X 5 /Y 0 /X 20 /Y 5 If you try these three combinations, most probably your problems will be solved. You can make this change into faxmaker by adding another line into the \MODEMS.INF file. The syntax of a line is name,type,initstring,precommanddelay,interchardelay,voiceformat,voicebitspersample,voicesamplefreq Let's say you have problems with your class-2 modem 'XYZ' and you got it to work with params /X 20 /Y 5, then add the following line: XYZ=class232,AT&F,20,5,0,0,0 What to do if fax-server has problems that debug-utility hasn't ============================================================= It is possible that the fax-server has problems which you can't reproduce using this debug-utility. Most of the times it is due to different settings that are used by the fax-server. For instance, you're using a different modem-initialisation string. However, it is possible to find out what the problem is. Please do the following, step-by-step: 1. Stop the fax-server if it is running; 2. Find out in which directory the fax-server is located. The name of this file is 'FGWMSERV.EXE' and is located in your FAXmaker directory; 3. Copy EXACTLY ONE of the following files from the debug-utility directory (where this README.TXT is located) to the fax-server directory: CLASS132.DLL in case of a class 1 fax-modem problem or CLASS232.DLL in case of a class 2 fax-modem problem or CLAS2032.DLL in case of a class 2.0 fax-modem problem or FC20GNRC.DLL in case of a generic CAPI20 ISDN-board problem or FC20AVMB.DLL in case of a AVMB1 ISDN-board problem or FC20DIVA.DLL in case of a DIVA ISDN-board problem or FC20DIVP.DLL in case of a DIVA Pro ISDN-board problem or FC20DIVM.DLL in case of a DIVA Maestra ISDN-board problem or FC20ITKX.DLL in case of a ITK x1 ISDN-board problem You will overwrite the existing DLL. It is a good idea to copy the existing one to a temporarily directory, so it can be restored whenever you don't need debug-information anymore. 4. Launch the fax-server like you normally do. 5. As soon as the problem occurs, stop the fax-server 6. In the root of your C: drive, you will find one or more debug-files. The naming convention of the file(s) is C:\DBG?????.TXT. Send these files to GFI via email or via fax. 7. Restore the DLL module that you copied to a temporarily directory. If you don't do this, the fax-server will produce a lot of debug-output and will slow down the system. Copyright 1997, GFI FAX & VOICE.